Memory-friendly data structures in Piranha - 1/3


A significant trend in the evolution of computer hardware over the past few decades is the so-called memory wall. This term commonly designates the growing discrepancy between the speed of the CPU and the speed of RAM: whereas CPU performance has kept a steady growth, the speed of RAM has increased at a much slower pace. As a consequence, modern CPUs can end up spending most of the time waiting for data to be delivered from the main memory (instead of doing useful work).

One of the approaches adopted by hardware manufacturers to ameliorate the memory wall problem is that of equipping CPUs with cache memory. Cache memory is very fast (but very expensive and very small) memory residing directly on the CPU. Accessing data from the cache can be orders of magnitudes faster than loading data from RAM, and modern CPUs typically feature a complex multi-level hierarchy of caches. The efficient exploitation of the memory hierarchy has become today a fundamental aspect of performance optimisation.

Although the implementation details of cache memory hierarchies vary across CPUs, there are two fundamental ideas that are broadly applicable:

  • temporal locality: when data is loaded from RAM into the cache memory, it will be kept in the cache for some time (typically until it gets kicked out to make room for other data). It is thus important, once the data is in the cache, to try to run any computation that needs that data as soon as possible. It would be a waste to have the data removed from the cache, only to reload it later from RAM for further processing;
  • spatial locality: loading data from RAM into the cache typically proceeds by chunks. If some data is loaded from RAM, it is likely that also other contiguous data will be loaded in the cache at the same time. Memory structures, such as C arrays and C++ vectors, that store data contiguously are, in this sense, cache-friendly: by paying the price of loading an element of the vector into the cache, you also get a bunch of nearby elements for free.

It is important to note that not all computational workloads benefit from cache-friendly algorithms and data structures. An example in scientific computing is that of numerical integration of ODEs, which essentially consists of an iterative loop in which the state of the system is continuously updated. Normally, the ratio between the time spent moving and managing data (i.e., the state vector) and actually doing computations with that data is very small, and all the data needed for the computation fits in the cache memory.

On the other hand, algorithms that employ large data structures can be particularly vulnerable to the memory wall. A classical example is linear algebra: when matrices and vectors are larger than the available cache memory, it becomes crucial to employ optimisations such as loop tiling in order to promote temporal locality and make sure that as much computation as possible is performed on data currently residing in cache.

Sparse data structures are also problematic. In this context, with the admittedly-fuzzy "sparse" moniker I mean structures which feature one or more of the following:

  • frequent allocation of dynamic memory,
  • non-contiguous data storage and/or traversal,
  • pointer chasing.

Trees, lists, hash tables, and many other data structures can be considered sparse according to this definition (at least in their most common implementations). The biggest problem with sparse structures is that the memory access pattern is unpredictable, and spatial locality is not promoted.

One of the main focuses of Piranha is the manipulation of very large algebraic objects, such as multivariate polynomials and Poisson series, commonly encountered in celestial mechanics. This is a computational workload in which large amounts of data are generated quickly from small input data. Take for instance the following symbolic multiplication:

\begin{equation*} \left(1+x+y+2z^2+3t^3+5u^5\right)^{12} \times \left(1+u+t+2z^2+3y^3+5x^5\right)^{12}. \end{equation*}

Each multiplicand is a sparse multivariate polynomial with 6188 terms. The result, once fully expanded, will have 5821335 terms, thus requiring circa 1000 times the storage space of each multiplicand. Additionally, storage schemes for multivariate polynomial are typically sparse (dense storage is often appropriate for univariate polynomials, but it tends to be impractical for multivariate polynomials). Efficient exploitation of the memory hierarchy is thus one of the primary focuses (and sources of complications) in Piranha.

In this series of posts, I will detail some of the strategies adopted in Piranha in order to maximise spatial locality. Specifically, I will be focusing on three foundational components:

  • an arbitrary-precision integer class,
  • a small vector class,
  • a cache-friendly hash set.

The main theme in all three cases is that of minimising dynamic memory allocation.

The integer class

Piranha, like most computer algebra systems, provides an arbitrary-precision integral type, surprisingly called integer. As the name suggests, and contrary to the builtin C++ integral types, integer can represent any finite signed integral value, provided enough memory is available.

The gold standard in arbitrary-precision arithmetic is the GMP library, and most computer algebra libraries end up wrapping the GMP mpz_t struct, in one form or another. Piranha is no exception, and integer is indeed (at least in part) a wrapped mpz_t.

One of the problems of the mpz_t type is that any correctly initialised mpz_t ends up allocating dynamic memory, even if the stored value is zero or if it fits in one of the standard integral C++ types. This is not much of a concern when one is using GMP to do computations on gigantic integers, but it can be a problem when mpz_t is used to represent many not-so-large coefficients in a sparse multivariate polynomial (a typical occurrence in celestial mechanics computations). As explained above, dynamic memory allocation can be very detrimental to the performance of the memory subsystem.

The integer class in Piranha adopts then a small-value optimisation: if the value stored in the integer is not too large, it will be stored directly in the static memory provided by the class itself, thus avoiding any dynamic allocation. When the stored value becomes large enough, the storage will be switched to a normal mpz_t struct.

There are many ways in which the small-value optimisation can be implemented, with different trade-offs between raw performance, memory utilisation and standard compliance. The solution adopted in Piranha aims to be fully standard-conforming, and exploits the capabilities of the new unrestricted unions available in C++11.

Anatomy of an mpz_t

A GMP mpz_t is, conceptually, rather simple. On my computer, the struct is defined as:

typedef struct
    int _mp_alloc;
    int _mp_size;
    mp_limb_t *_mp_d;
} __mpz_struct;

typedef __mpz_struct mpz_t[1];

(so mpz_t is actually an array of size 1 of __mpz_struct - this is a common technique used to pass by reference in C)

The exact types contained in the structure will vary across platforms, but the general idea is the following:

  • _mp_alloc is a non-negative integral representing how many limbs are allocated. In an initialised mpz_t, _mp_alloc is never zero;
  • _mp_size is an integral corresponding to the number of limbs used to represent the value. If _mp_size is zero, then the stored value is zero, if _mp_size is positive then the stored value is positive, and if _mp_size is negative then the stored value is negative. The absolute value of _mp_size is never greater than _mp_alloc;
  • _mp_d is a pointer to a dynamically-allocated array of limbs.

In the GMP jargon, a limb is an unsigned integral value (typically of type unsigned long or unsigned long long) which represents a "chunk" of the number in binary form (exactly in the same way as a digit from 0 to 9 represents a chunk of a number in decimal form). The least significant chunks of a number are stored first in an mpz_t.

As an example, consider the number -173, which is represented in binary as

\begin{equation*} -10101101. \end{equation*}

On a hypothetical 4-bit architecture, we can divide the absolute value of this number into the two 4-bit limbs:

\begin{equation*} \left[ 1101, 1010 \right]. \end{equation*}

Notice how the least-significant chunk, 1101, is stored first. Then a valid mpz_t representation of this number will have _mp_alloc set to at least 2, _mp_size will be set to -2 (as the number is negative), and _mp_d will be a pointer to a dynamically allocated array of limbs of size _mp_alloc containing the values 13 (which is 1101 in decimal form) and 10 (which is 1010 in decimal form). The absolute value of the number can be reconstructed from the limbs via additions and multiplications by powers of two:

\begin{equation*} 173 = 13 + 10 \cdot 2^4. \end{equation*}

A static counterpart to mpz_t

In order to implement the small-value optimisation, Piranha first introduces a class called static_integer which looks more or less like this:

class static_integer
    int _mp_alloc;
    int _mp_size;
    std::array<mp_limb_t,2> m_limbs;

(this is a simplified version, the real logic in the selection of the types in the class is more complicated - but this is not relevant for this discussion)

static_integer looks very similar to mpz_t: the first two members are the same, but the third member has now become an std::array of 2 limbs. The m_limbs member will be used to store values whose magnitude is not greater than two limbs (e.g., on a 64-bit architecture static_integer can store absolute values from \(0\) to \(2^{128} - 1\)). The important point is that std::array does not allocate dynamic memory, and thus operating on a static_integer is more cache-friendly than operating on an mpz_t: there is no pointer chasing, and a single memory load will probably be enough to transfer the data from RAM into the cache.

On its own, the static_integer class has a limited range and it is not very useful: we have merely extended the numerical range with respect to the builtin C++ integral types. We will need to couple it to an mpz_t in order to create a true multiprecision integer.

Merging static and dynamic

Now comes the crucial part. We need to merge in a single entity the mpz_t struct and static_integer: as long as the value we are representing is sufficiently small, we will be exploiting the inline storage of static_integer; when the value becomes too large, we will switch to the dynamic storage of a standard mpz_t.

The natural tool to implement this merged entity is, in C++, a union. Before C++11, unions used to be fairly limited. Specifically, it was not possible to store in a union any non-POD (plain old data) type. In C++11, this restriction has been lifted.

The merged union in Piranha’s integer type looks simply like this:

union integer_union
    static_integer m_st;
    __mpz_struct m_dy;

The management of a union in C/C++ rests completely on the shoulders of the developer. For instance, the developer must manually call the constructors and destructors of the union members whenever it is needed to switch from one active member to the other (in C, it is sufficient to write into a member to make that member active).

Additionally, there is no way specified by the language to detect which element of the union is the active one. It is thus common to include the union as a member of a wrapping class which adds an extra member representing which element of the union is currently active. According to this model, the integer class would then look like this:

class integer
    integer_union m_union;
    bool m_tag;

The m_tag member will be used to record which of the two members of the union is currently active. The developer has to take care of updating the tag each time the active member of the union is switched.

It turns out that in this specific case we can avoid adding such a tagging member (which adds a noticeable size overhead due to padding). The integer class exploits a special rule in the standard (section 9.2) which essentially states the following: if the members of a union share a common initial sequence of members, then it is legal to access such initial sequence from any member of the union (note that the actual rule is slightly more complicated, but it does not matter here). static_integer and the mpz_t struct do indeed share such a common initial sequence:

int _mp_alloc;
int _mp_size;

These two members are present at the beginning of both static_integer and mpz_t. Under the special rule quoted above, the following is then legal:

integer_union u; // This will intialise either the static or the dynamic member,
                 // depending on the default constructor of the union.
std::cout << u.m_st._mp_alloc << '\n';
std::cout << u.m_dy._mp_alloc << '\n';

That is, we can access the _mp_alloc member common to both elements of the union either from m_st or m_dy, and we will fetch exactly the same value.

If now we recall that _mp_alloc is guaranteed to be nonzero in a correctly initialised mpz_t, it should be evident that we can use the _mp_alloc member as our tagging mechanism, instead of an ad-hoc m_tag member: if _mp_alloc is zero, then the active member of the union is the static_integer, otherwise the active member is the mpz_t. This allows us to roll the tagging mechanism directly into the union, and to save memory space.

Bells and whistles

Now that the basic principles are laid out, we can take a brief look at some of the basic functionality in the integer_union object. Let us start by introducing a convenience method to determine which union member is currently active:

bool is_static() const
    return m_st._mp_alloc == 0;

As explained above, we have adopted the convention that if the _mp_alloc member is zero then static_integer is active. We can inspect the _mp_alloc member via both m_st and m_dy, thanks to the special rule involving common initial sequences in union members. Easy peasy.

It is convenient to provide two getters that check, via assertions on is_static(), whether we are accessing the active member or not:

static_integer &g_st()
    return m_st;
__mpz_struct &g_dy()
    return m_dy;

(I have omitted the const counterparts for brevity) Now, in debug builds, the assertions will fire if we are accessing the inactive union member via g_st() or g_dy().

Next, the default constructor for the union:

integer_union():m_st() {}

Pretty straightforward: a default-constructed union will activate the static member via the default constructor of static_integer.

The copy constructor is more interesting:

integer_union(const integer_union &other)
    if (other.is_static()) {
        ::new (static_cast<void *>(&m_st)) static_integer(other.g_st());
    } else {
        ::new (static_cast<void *>(&m_dy)) __mpz_struct;

Here we need first to determine whether other is stored in static storage or not, and then we initialise the union accordingly. We need to use the placement new syntax in order to construct either a static_integer or an __mpz_struct at the address of either union member. In case other is storing an __mpz_struct, we also need to call the GMP function mpz_init_set() in order to copy-initialise the dynamic member with the contents of other. Note that here the line

::new (static_cast<void *>(&m_dy)) __mpz_struct;

is most likely superfluous: __mpz_struct is a C struct, thus its lifetime officially begins in the following line, where we write into m_dy via the GMP function. The line above will be optimised out by the compiler, but I like to keep it in the source code for consistency and to remind myself of how unrestricted unions are supposed to work in the general case.

The move constructor:

integer_union(integer_union &&other)
    if (other.is_static()) {
        ::new (static_cast<void *>(&m_st)) static_integer(std::move(other.g_st()));
    } else {
        ::new (static_cast<void *>(&m_dy)) __mpz_struct;
        // Downgrade the other to an empty static.
        ::new (static_cast<void *>(&other.m_st)) static_integer();

Here move_ctor_mpz() is a helper function that performs a shallow copy from one __mpz_struct to another:

void move_ctor_mpz(__mpz_struct &to, __mpz_struct &from)
    to._mp_alloc = from._mp_alloc;
    to._mp_size = from._mp_size;
    to._mp_d = from._mp_d;

The move constructor follows the same pattern as the copy constructor. One difference is that if other is dynamic, then we must make sure that, after the move, other is still in a valid state (in this context, we consider an object in a valid state if it is destructible and assignable). Indeed the members of other.m_dy have been copied over to this, which, in particular, is now managing the pointer to the dynamically allocated array of limbs in the __mpz_struct of other. In order to leave other in a valid state, we first destroy its dynamic member with


and then we construct an empty static_integer with

::new (static_cast<void *>(&other.m_st)) static_integer();

Now other has been switched over to static storage and it is in a well-defined valid state.

The destructor of integer_union is straightforwardly implemented as:

    if (is_static()) {
    } else {

That is, if the storage is static, call the destructor of static_integer, otherwise first clear (via mpz_clear()) and then destroy the __mpz_struct. Here, again, the line


is superfluous and it will be optimised out by the compiler.

As a last example, let us take a look at the copy assignment operator:

integer_union &operator=(const integer_union &other)
    if (this == &other) {
        return *this;
    const bool s1 = is_static(), s2 = other.is_static();
    if (s1 && s2) {
        g_st() = other.g_st();
    } else if (s1 && !s2) {
        // Destroy static.
        // Construct the dynamic struct.
        ::new (static_cast<void *>(&m_dy)) __mpz_struct;
        // Init + assign the mpz.
    } else if (!s1 && s2) {
        // Destroy the dynamic this.
        // Init-copy the static from other.
        ::new (static_cast<void *>(&m_st)) static_integer(other.g_st());
    } else {
    return *this;

This code is noticeably more complex than the constructors. After the customary check for self-assignment, we need to distinguish four cases:

  1. both this and other use static storage,
  2. this uses static storage, other uses dynamic storage,
  3. this uses dynamic storage, other uses static storage,
  4. both this and other use dynamic storage.

When the storage types differ, we will need to switch this to the storage type of other. This is accomplished by manually calling the destructors and constructors of the union members, similarly to how it is done in the constructors of the union. Otherwise, we can perform a direct assignment, either via the copy assignment operator of static_integer or the GMP function mpz_set().

The complexity in the assignment operator derives from the fact that it is a binary operation. If we had to code a ternary operation, we would need to handle \(2^3=8\) different cases. Thankfully, ternary operations are exceedingly rare.

Performance measurements

In order to evaluate the performance impact of the small integer optimisation, I will use a slightly modified version of a benchmark available in Piranha’s test suite. Given

\begin{equation*} f = \left(1+x+y+2z^2+3t^3+5u^5\right)^{16} \end{equation*}


\begin{equation*} g = \left(1+u+t+2z^2+3y^3+5x^5\right)^{16}, \end{equation*}

we will calculate the fully-expanded form of

\begin{equation*} f\times g. \end{equation*}

The result will contain 28398035 (that is, circa 28 million) terms. The test will be run in three different configurations:

  1. with integer coefficients,
  2. with integer coefficients forcibly switched to dynamic storage,
  3. with mpz_t coefficients, via the wrapper provided by the Boost.Multiprecision (BMP) library.

On my machine, all the coefficients of the result will fit in a static_integer. The idea of the first test is thus to measure the performance of integer in the best possible scenario, where dynamic storage will never be used. The second test is instead meant to measure the performance of dynamic storage. Finally, the last test is meant to provide a comparison with respect to a vanilla mpz_t wrapper. All tests were run in single-threaded mode (although Piranha does support parallel polynomial multiplication, I preferred to leave parallelisation out for this test). The tests were run on a 64-bit Linux workstation at maximum priority and with the system at rest. The processor is a quad-core Intel i5 2500, supported by 16GB of DDR3 RAM.

The results, averaged over three separate runs for each test, are the following:

Configuration Time (s) Memory (GB)
integer (static storage) 9.94 2.86
integer (dynamic storage) 20.41 3.66
mpz_t wrapper 20.51 3.20

We can see how the static storage integer provides a runtime speedup of about 2x with respect to the mpz_t wrapper. It also uses about 10% less memory. The runtime performance of the dynamic storage integer is essentially equivalent to the performance of the mpz_t wrapper (~0.5% difference), but the memory utilisation goes up by about 14%. It should be noticed that, in this case, the test is not completely fair, as the forced conversion to dynamic storage in the second integer test results in the unnecessary waste of the inline static storage. In a more realistic scenario, dynamic storage would kick in when at least 3 limbs are necessary to represent the value and thus the waste of static storage would be proportionally smaller (one wasted static limb vs 3 dynamically allocated limbs).

Another important point of caution in this type of test is that we are measuring not only the impact of the small integer optimisation on the memory subsystem, but, to some extent, also the performance of the multiprecision arithmetic implemented in static_integer. static_integer indeed cannot use GMP routines, and the basic multiprecision arithmetic operations have thus been implemented from scratch. With respect to the GMP routines, the arithmetic functions for static_integer are somewhat simplified: they just employ "naive" (i.e., schoolbook) multiprecision arithmetic, and they exploit the fact that, by construction, the number of limbs can never exceed 2. These simplifications are likely to have a non-negligible impact on the timings.


The small value optimisation in Piranha’s integer class can lead to substantial improvements, both in runtime and in memory utilisation, over a straightforward mpz_t wrapper when multiplying very large and very sparse multivariate polynomials. The implementation employs the newly-introduced C++11 unrestricted unions, and it exploits a special ruling in the standard that allows to embed the tagging logic directly in the members, thus avoiding the memory overhead typically associated to the runtime management of unions. The management of the lifetime of the union members happens via explicit calls to constructors and destructors, and it needs to be carefully orchestrated in order to avoid accessing the inactive member of the union (thus incurring in undefined behaviour). The full source code the the integer class is available here.

In the next installment of this series, I will focus on a small_vector class used in Piranha to represent vectors of integral exponents in monomials.

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