Overloading overloaded

Introduction and motivation

The fundamental idea of generic programming is that of writing classes, algorithms and functions able to operate on arbitrary types. In the jargon of modern C++, one says that a software component defines a concept (i.e., a set of requirements) of which a type T must be a model in order for T to be usable with that component.

Take for instance the std::sort() function from the standard C++ library. One of its prototypes reads:

template <class RandomIt>
void sort(RandomIt first, RandomIt last);

Among others, one of the requirements stipulated by std::sort() is that the value type of RandomIt (that is, the type we are sorting) must be equipped with a less-than operator (std::sort() is a comparison sort). It is thus possible to sort out-of-the-box, for instance, vectors of integers or floating point values (disregarding NaNs for a second). It will not however be possible to sort instances of std::complex, as operator<() is not implemented for these types (C++ wisely does not get into the business of defining an ordering relation for complex numbers).

If the type we are sorting does not provide an operator<(), we have a couple of possible options.

The first option is to use the other version of std::sort() provided by the standard library, which reads:

template <class RandomIt, class Compare>
void sort(RandomIt first, RandomIt last, Compare comp);

Here the additional parameter comp must be a function-like object able to compare instances of the value type according to some strict weak ordering relation (here are the gory details in their standardese glory). This basically means that we can tell std::sort() how instances of the value type should be compared for sorting purposes. In the case of complex numbers, we might want to sort a vector of complex values according to their norm, or maybe to their real or imaginary component, depending on the context.

The second option is to equip the type with an appropriate operator<() implementation. While for std::complex this is probably not a good idea (due to the lack of a "natural" ordering for complex numbers), for other types it is certainly an appropriate solution.

Now, one of the challenges I faced with Piranha was related to the design of a generic and user-extensible library of mathematical functions. As a simple example, consider the expression

\begin{equation*} \frac{1}{2}x\cos\left(\alpha+\beta\right). \end{equation*}

This is a Poisson series that Piranha can represent symbolically. In order to evaluate this expression for specific numerical values of the variables \(x\), \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\), we need to be able to compute the cosine of those numerical values. The way in which the cosine is computed will depend on the type we use for evaluation: if we use standard C++ floating-point types (float, double and long double), we probably want to use the standard std::cos() function. But, if we need more precision, we might implement a custom multiple-precision floating-point type (or, more likely, write a C++ wrapper around MPFR). We are then faced with the task of informing Piranha about how to evaluate the cosine function for our brand new multiprecision floating-point type.

A possible solution to this problem is to use the the mechanism of function overloading. However, an overloading-based approach suffers from a few shortcomings. For starters, the overloading rules in C++ are notoriously complicated. The interactions between function overloads, templates, and specialisations can often be counterintuitive, as explained in this classic GotW by Herb Sutter. Function overloading is also sensitive to declaration order and interacts with implicit conversions.

Piranha aims to be a completely generic system, open to extensions via user-defined custom types (such as the hypothetical multiprecision floating-point type above) the core library knows nothing about. After some initial experiments, it became clear that a purely overloading-based solution was not good enough to realise this goal and that an alternative approach was necessary.

A generic cos() implementation

The solution adopted in Piranha starts from where the aforementioned GotW ends. There is a single generic cos() function in the math sub-namespace which looks like this:

namespace math

template <typename T>
inline auto cos(const T &x) -> decltype(cos_impl<T>()(x))
    return cos_impl<T>()(x);


The function forwards the computation to an helper template class called cos_impl, which is parametrised over the type T of the argument x and expected to provide a call operator to which the original argument x is passed. The return type of cos() is automatically deduced from the call operator of cos_impl. The default implementation of cos_impl is an empty class:

namespace math

template <typename T, typename = void>
struct cos_impl


The second "ghost" template parameter, unnamed and defaulting to void, is there to allow the use of the enable-if mechanism. We can then provide a specialisation of cos_impl for C++ floating-point types, which reads:

namespace math

template <typename T>
struct cos_impl<T,typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>::type>
    auto operator()(const T &x) const -> decltype(std::cos(x))
        return std::cos(x);


That is, whenever cos_impl is instantiated with a type T which is a floating-point type, the second (specialised) implementation will be selected. If now we try to call the cos() function with, let’s say, an argument of type double, the call will ultimately be forwarded to std::cos() as expected.

Now, what happens when we call cos() with an int argument? The specialisation of cos_impl comes into play only when T is a floating-point type, thus an int argument will be forwarded to the unspecialised default cos_impl functor. The unspecialised cos_impl does not provide any call operator, and thus a compile-time error will arise. GCC 5.1 says:

$ g++-5.1.0 -std=c++11 cos.cpp
error: no matching function for call to ‘cos(int)’

As you can see there is no reference in the error message about a missing call operator. The compiler actually complains that there is no cos() function which takes an argument of type int. What happens here is that the declaration of the cos() function,

template <typename T>
inline auto cos(const T &x) -> decltype(cos_impl<T>()(x));

generates an error due to the fact that the expression cos_impl<T>()(x) is ill-formed when T is int (because of the missing call operator in the default cos_impl implementation). This error is treated specially due to a set of rules that go under the name of SFINAE (substitution failure is not an error): instead of generating a "hard" compiler error, the function that triggered the failure is simply removed. For all practical purposes, it is as-if the cos() function had been erased from the source code, when invoked with an argument of type int. The error resulting from the compilation thus originates from the missing cos() function rather than from the missing call operator. The distinction between these two types of error might appear academic at first sight (after all, we end up in both cases with an aborted compilation), but it is crucial for the development of further metaprogramming techniques involving the detection of the availability of a function at compile-time.

What have we gained so far?

The technique described above for the implementation of a generic, user-extensible cos() function has a few interesting features:

  • it is entirely based on compile-time metaprogramming: no virtual functions, no calling overhead, easily optimisable by any modern compiler;
  • we avoid the headaches of function overloading: there is exactly one entry point, completely generic;
  • by using class template specialisation instead of overloading, the order in which the specialisations are declared does not matter (the compiler must consider all the visible template specialisations before choosing one);
  • we are also avoiding surprises with implicit conversions: the example above shows how the implementation is based on exact type matching - use with an int argument will result in a compilation error, even if int instances are implicitly convertible to floating-point types;
  • the technique is nonintrusive: user-defined types are not required to derive from a common base class or to implement specific methods in order to be usable by our generic cos() function. They will only need to provide an additional specialisation of the implementation functor;
  • the technique is SFINAE-friendly: in case the cos_impl specialisation is missing, the cos() function is removed from the overload resolution set;
  • unlike with usual function overloading, we can specialise the behaviour not only based on concrete types, but on arbitrary compile-time predicates.

The last point is, I think, particularly interesting. It is not unusual in scientific C++ libraries to see either

  • heavy usage of macros to declare and define multiple overloads of the same function with different argument types (float, double, long, etc.), or
  • functions implemented in terms of "wide" types (e.g., long double and long long) that can be used with narrower types (e.g., float and int) via implicit conversions.

With this approach, any compile-time predicate that produces a boolean value can be used to specialise the implementation. In the example above, we used the predicate


in order to specialise the implementation for floating-point types. In the same fashion, we could implement a generic abs() function that, for instance, returns the input argument unchanged when invoked on unsigned integer types. The specialisation in this case would use the predicate:

std::is_integral<T>::value && std::is_unsigned<T>::value

This predicate would catch all the standard unsigned integral types available in C++.

Intermission: detecting the availability of cos()

One of the points mentioned above is the "SFINAE-friendliness" of the solution: in case of a missing cos_impl specialisation, the cos() function is removed from the overload resolution set. We can use this property to implement a type trait that detects the availability of cos() for a specific type at compile-time.

A possible, C++11-oriented way of implementing such a type trait (by no means the only one) is the following:

template <typename T>
class has_cosine
        struct yes {};
        struct no {};
        template <typename T1>
        static auto test(const T1 &x) -> decltype(math::cos(x),void(),yes());
        static no test(...);
        static const bool value = std::is_same<decltype(test(std::declval<T>())),yes>::value;

Without getting into the details of the implementation (the interested reader can use this Wikibooks page as a starting point), the important takeaway is that now


is a compile-time constant with true value, while


is a compile-time constant with false value. In Piranha, most generic functions are paired with a type trait that determines at compile-time whether it is possible or not to call the function with a specific set of argument types. Such type traits become then the basic building blocks of compile-time algorithms that, for instance, can select different implementations of a specific functionality based on the capabilities offered by the involved types.

A step further: exploiting the default implementation

In the example above, it does not make much sense to provide a default implementation for cosine, and thus the unspecialised cos_impl functor does not implement any call operator. For other operations, however, a default implementation might actually make sense.

Consider for instance the classic multiply-accumulate operation (FMA for short). Since it is at the basis of so many algorithms, from linear algebra to symbolic manipulation, many libraries provide optimised implementations of this primitive. A few examples:

The use of a specialised FMA operation can typically result in increased performance and/or accuracy. In a generic scientific library it thus makes sense to try to take advantage of such a feature, if available.

On the other hand, a specialised FMA is an optimisation: it would be nice not to force the user of the library to implement the FMA primitive for her user-defined type, if for any reason she is not interested in it. The FMA operation, after all, is essentially equivalent to

\begin{equation*} a \leftarrow a + ( b \times c ) \end{equation*}

so it can be implemented also in terms of addition, multiplication and assignment.

In Piranha, the FMA operation is called multiply_accumulate(), and its implementation reads:

template <typename T>
inline auto multiply_accumulate(T &x, const T &y, const T &z) ->
   return multiply_accumulate_impl<T>()(x,y,z);

The default implementation functor is:

template <typename T, typename = void>
struct multiply_accumulate_impl
   template <typename T2>
   auto operator()(T2 &x, const T2 &y, const T2 &z) const -> decltype(x += y * z)
      return x += y * z;

(More on that second template parameter T2 in a moment)

The call operator of the default implementation is now present, and it implements the FMA operation in terms of multiplication and in-place addition. Any type which supports these two operations (e.g., int) will thus have a working FMA implementation.

We can now specialise the behaviour for, e.g., floating point types:

template <typename T>
struct multiply_accumulate_impl<T,typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>::type>
   auto operator()(T &x, const T &y, const T &z) const -> decltype(x = std::fma(y,z,x))
      return x = std::fma(y,z,x);

What happens when we try to call the default implementation on a type which does not support addition, multiplication or assignment? Let’s try an FMA on std::string:

error: no matching function for call to ‘multiply_accumulate(std::string&, std::string&, std::string&)’

It looks like the multiply_accumulate() function for std::string has been erased, and there is no reference to the missing * operator for std::string. How does this happen? The answer is in the implementation of the call operator in the default implementation of multiply_accumulate_impl:

template <typename T2>
auto operator()(T2 &x, const T2 &y, const T2 &z) const -> decltype(x += y * z)
   return x += y * z;

This operator is a template method which deduces its return type from the expression x += y * z. As such, if the expression x += y * z is ill-formed, then the call operator is, under SFINAE rules, removed from the overload resolution set, and multiply_accumulate_impl is effectively left without a call operator. The top-level multiply_accumulate() function will then see, when called with std::string arguments, a multiply_accumulate_impl functor with no call operator, and thus SFINAE rules will also remove the multiply_accumulate() function from the overload resolution set. This also means that, even in the presence of a default implementation, it will still be possible to write a type trait to detect the availability of multiply_accumulate(), in the same fashion as done above for has_cosine.

Generalising to multiple arguments

The two examples we have seen so far involve specialisation based on a single type (cos() is a single-argument function, multiply_accumulate() operates on three arguments of the same type by design). It is however clear that the patterns described above can readily be generalised to functions accepting multiple arguments of different types.

An obvious example is exponentiation, pow(), which is a function of two arguments: a base and an exponent. In Piranha, the pow() function has different implementations depending on the involved types. A few examples:

  • if both the base and the exponent are C++ arithmetic types and at least one of the two arguments is a floating-point type, then std::pow() is used;
  • if at least one argument is an integer (an arbitrary precision integral type implemented on top of GMP) and the other is an integer or a C++ integral type, then the exact result will be returned as an integer (computed via a GMP routine);
  • if an argument is an integer and the other one is a floating-point type, then the integer argument is converted to the floating-point type and the result computed via std::pow();
  • if the two arguments are both C++ integral types, then the exact result is returned as an integer.

Additional specialisations are implemented for Piranha’s real and rational types (real is a C++ wrapper around MPFR’s mpfr_t type, rational an arbitrary-precision rational type built on top of integer).

The implementation of Piranha’s pow() function is too long to be reproduced here. It is available from the Git repository for the interested reader. As in the previous examples, the implementation is SFINAE-friendly and lends itself to compile-time introspection via a type trait.

Closing remarks

SFINAE-based template metaprogramming in C++11 can be used to introduce a flexible and efficient method of compile-time function dispatching based on partial class template specialisation. The method is nonintrusive, it has no runtime CPU or memory overhead, it sidesteps some problematic aspects of function overloading, and it allows to select different implementations of the same function for different combinations of argument types. The selection can be based either on exact type matching or, more generally, on logical compile-time predicates on the involved types. The technique is SFINAE-friendly and lends itself to compile-time introspection.

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