Notes on automatic differentiation#


Definition of normalised derivative:


General Leibniz rule: given a(t)=b(t)c(t), then


Basic arithmetic#

Addition and subtraction#

Given a(t)=b(t)±c(t), trivially



Given a(t)=b(t)c(t), the derivative a[n](t) is given directly by the application of the general Leibniz rule (2).


Given a(t)=b(t)c(t), we can write


We can now apply the normalised derivative of order n to both sides, use (2) and re-arrange to obtain:



Given a(t)=b(t)2, the computation of a[n](t) is a special case of (2) in which we take advantage of the summation’s symmetry in order to halve the computational complexity:

(6)#a[n](t)={2j=0n21b[nj](t)b[j](t)+(b[n2](t))2 if n is even,2j=0n12b[nj](t)b[j](t) if n is odd.

Square root#

Given a(t)=b(t), we can write


We can apply the normalised derivative of order n to both sides, and, with the help of (6), we obtain:

(8)#b[n](t)={2j=0n21a[nj](t)a[j](t)+(a[n2](t))2 if n is even,2j=0n12a[nj](t)a[j](t) if n is odd.

We can then isolate a[n](t) to obtain:

(9)#a[n](t)={12a[0](t)[b[n](t)2j=1n21a[nj](t)a[j](t)(a[n2](t))2] if n is even,12a[0](t)[b[n](t)2j=0n12a[nj](t)a[j](t)] if n is odd.


Given a(t)=b(t)α, with α0, we have


By multiplying both sides by b(t) we obtain


We can now apply the normalised derivative of order n1 to both sides, use (2) and re-arrange to obtain, for n>0:



Natural exponential#

Given a(t)=eb(t), we have


We can now apply the normalised derivative of order n1 to both sides, use (1) and (2) and obtain, for n>0:


Standard logistic function#

Given a(t)=sigb(t), where sig(x) is the standard logistic function


we have


which, after the introduction of the auxiliary function




After applying the normalised derivative of order n1 to both sides, we can use (1), (2) and (3) to obtain, for n>0:



Natural logarithm#

Given a(t)=logb(t), we have


or, equivalently,


We can now apply the normalised derivative of order n1 to both sides, use (1) and (2) and re-arrange to obtain, for n>0:


Trigonometric functions#


Given a(t)=tanb(t), we have


which, after the introduction of the auxiliary function




After applying the normalised derivative of order n1 to both sides, we can use (1), (2) and (3) to obtain, for n>0:


Inverse trigonometric functions#

Inverse sine#

Given a(t)=arcsinb(t), we have


or, equivalently,


We introduce the auxiliary function


so that (28) can be rewritten as


Applying the normalised derivative of order n1 to both sides yields, via (1):


We can now apply the general Leibniz rule (2) to the left-hand side and re-arrange the terms to obtain, for n>0:


Inverse cosine#

The derivation is identical to the inverse sine, apart from a sign change. Given a(t)=arccosb(t), the final result is, for n>0:


with c(t) defined as:


Inverse tangent#

Given a(t)=arctanb(t), we have


or, equivalently,


We introduce the auxiliary function


so that (36) can be rewritten as


Applying the normalised derivative of order n1 to both sides yields, via (1) and (3):


With the help of the general Leibniz rule (2), after re-arranging we obtain, for n>0:


Two-argument inverse tangent#

Given a(t)=arctan2(b(t),c(t)), we have


After the introduction of the auxiliary function


(41) can be rewritten as


We can now apply the normalised derivative of order n1 to both sides, and, via (2), obtain, for n>0:


Hyperbolic functions#

Hyperbolic sine#

Given a(t)=sinhb(t), we have


We introduce the auxiliary function


so that (45) can be rewritten as


We can now apply the normalised derivative of order n1 to both sides, and, via (2), obtain, for n>0:


Hyperbolic cosine#

Given a(t)=coshb(t), the process of deriving a[n](t) is identical to the hyperbolic sine. After the definition of the auxiliary function


the final result, for n>0, is:


Hyperbolic tangent#

Given a(t)=tanhb(t), the process of deriving a[n](t) is identical to the tangent, apart from a sign change. After the definition of the auxiliary function


the final result, for n>0, is:


Inverse hyperbolic functions#

Inverse hyperbolic sine#

Given a(t)=arsinhb(t), the process of deriving a[n](t) is identical to the inverse sine, apart from a sign change. After the definition of the auxiliary function


the final result, for n>0, is:


Inverse hyperbolic cosine#

Given a(t)=arcoshb(t), the process of deriving a[n](t) is identical to the inverse hyperbolic sine, apart from a sign change. After the definition of the auxiliary function


the final result, for n>0, is:


Inverse hyperbolic tangent#

Given a(t)=artanhb(t), the process of deriving a[n](t) is identical to the inverse tangent, apart from a sign change. After the definition of the auxiliary function


the final result, for n>0, is:


Special functions#

Error function#

Given a(t)=erfb(t), we have


which, after the introduction of the auxiliary function




After applying the normalised derivative of order n1 to both sides, we can use (1) and (2) to obtain, for n>0:


Celestial mechanics#

Kepler’s eccentric anomaly#

The eccentric anomaly is the bivariate function E=E(e,M) implicitly defined by the trascendental equation


with e[0,1). Given a(t)=E(e(t),M(t)), we have


where the partial derivatives are


Expanding the partial derivatives yields


or, equivalently,


We can now introduce the auxiliary functions


so that (67) can be rewritten as


After applying the normalised derivative of order n1 to both sides, we can use (1) and (2) and re-arrange to obtain, for n>0:


Eccentric longitude#

The eccentric longitude is the trivariate function F=F(h,k,λ) implicitly defined by the trascendental equation


with h2+k2<1. Given a(t)=F(h(t),k(t),λ(t)), we have


After the introduction of the auxiliary functions


we can then proceed in the same way as explained for the eccentric anomaly. The final result, for n>0, is:


Time functions#

Time polynomials#

Given the time polynomial of order n


its derivative of order j is


where (i)j is the falling factorial. The normalised derivative of order j is


which, with the help of elementary relations involving factorials and after re-arranging the indices, can be rewritten as
