Computations in arbitrary precision#

Added in version 0.20.0.

In addition to extended-precision computations, heyoka also supports computations in arbitrary precision. In arbitrary-precision computations the user can decide at runtime the number of bits of precision to be employed in the representation of floating-point numbers. The precision is limited, in principle, only by the available memory.

As explained in the installation instructions, arbitrary-precision mode requires heyoka to be compiled with support for the mp++ multiprecision library. The mp++ library, in turn, must be compiled with the MPPP_WITH_MPFR option enabled (see the mp++ installation instructions).

Arbitrary-precision floating-point values are represented in heyoka via the mp++ mppp::real class. We refer the reader to the mp++ tutorial for a quick overview of the main features of this class. For the purposes of this tutorial, it is sufficient to note how mppp::real largely behaves like a builtin floating-point type, the only difference being that the number of digits in the significand can be set at runtime.

A simple example#

In this tutorial, we will repeat the simple pendulum integration from the extended-precision tutorial, but this time in octuple precision. The number of binary digits in this representation is 237, corresponding to circa 71 decimal digits.

Let us begin as usual with the definition of the dynamical equations and the creation of the integrator object:

    // Create the symbolic variables x and v.
    auto [x, v] = make_vars("x", "v");

    // Setup the precision.
    const mpfr_prec_t prec = 237;

    // Create the integrator object
    // in octuple precision.
    auto ta = taylor_adaptive<mppp::real>{// Definition of the ODE system:
                                          // x' = v
                                          // v' = -9.8 * sin(x)
                                          {prime(x) = v, prime(v) = -9.8 * sin(x)},
                                          // Initial conditions
                                          // for x and v.
                                          {mppp::real{-1., prec}, mppp::real{0., prec}}};

In order to activate arbitrary precision, we created an integrator object of type taylor_adaptive<mppp::real> - that is, we specified mppp::real, instead of the usual double, as the (only) template parameter for the taylor_adaptive class template. The initial conditions were also initialised as a vector of mppp::real, and each value in the initial state vector was created with a precision of 237 bits. The precision of an mppp::real is represented in mp++ via the mpfr_prec_t type (an alias for a signed integral type).

Like in extended-precision mode, in an arbitrary-precision integrator all numerical values encapsulated in an integrator are represented in arbitrary precision - this includes not only the state vector, but also the time coordinate, the tolerance, the Taylor coefficients, etc. Each arbitrary-precision integrator has a global precision value which is specified or inferred upon construction. This global precision value can be accessed after construction via the get_prec() member function.

The precision value for an integrator can either be inferred from the initial state vector, as we saw in the code snippet above, or it can be explicitly passed as the prec keyword argument. That is, an alternative, but equivalent, way of constructing a 237-bit integrator would be:

auto ta = taylor_adaptive<mppp::real>{// Definition of the ODE system:
                                      // x' = v
                                      // v' = -9.8 * sin(x)
                                      {prime(x) = v, prime(v) = -9.8 * sin(x)},
                                      // Initial conditions
                                      // for x and v.
                                      {1., 0.},
                                      // Explicitly set the precision.
                                      kw::prec = 237

Regardless of how the integrator’s precision is specified, all the numerical values encapsulated in the integrator in addition to the state vector (that is, the time coordinate, the parameter values, the Taylor coefficients, etc.) are initialised with the same precision upon construction. If at any time after construction the user changes the precision of the internal data of the integrator, any successive attempt to continue the numerical integration will result in an exception being raised. In other words, heyoka will not accept any change to the precision of the numerical data stored within an arbitrary-precision integrator after construction.

Let us print to screen the integrator object:

    // Print the integrator object to screen.
    std::cout << ta << '\n';
Precision               : 237 bits
Tolerance               : 9.055679078826712367509119290887791780682531198139138189582614889935501319e-72
High accuracy           : false
Compact mode            : true
Taylor order            : 83
Dimension               : 2
Time                    : 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
State                   : [-1.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000]

The screen output indeed confirms that the precision was correctly inferred to be 237 bits from the initial conditions. Similarly to double-precision and extended-precision integrators, the tolerance is set by default to the machine epsilon corresponding to the inferred precision.

An important change in the defaults with respect to double-precision and extended-precision integrators is that, in arbitrary-precision integrators, compact mode is on by default, rather than off. This change is motivated by the fact that the Taylor order of arbitrary-precision integrators will typically be much higher than in double-precision and extended-precision integrators, which results in very long compilation times even for simple ODEs. Moreover, in arbitrary-precision integrators compact mode does not bring performance improvements due to the fact that most numerical computations are offloaded to the mp++ library (rather than being implemented directly in LLVM).

We proceed now to the definition of a small helper function that will allow us to monitor the evolution of the energy constant throughout the integration. As we mentioned earlier, the mppp::real class can be used like a builtin floating-point type, thus we can copy without changes and re-use the generic compute_energy helper function from the extended-precision tutorial:

    // Create a small helper to compute the energy constant
    // from the state vector.
    auto compute_energy = [](const auto &sv) {
        using std::cos;

        return (sv[1] * sv[1]) / 2 + 9.8 * (1 - cos(sv[0]));

Before starting the integration, we compute and store the initial energy for later use:

    // Compute and store the intial energy.
    const auto orig_E = compute_energy(ta.get_state());

We can now begin a step-by-step integration. At the end of each step, we will be computing and printing to screen the relative energy error:

    // Integrate for a few timesteps.
    for (auto i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
        using std::abs;


        std::cout << "Relative energy error: " << abs((orig_E - compute_energy(ta.get_state())) / orig_E) << '\n';
Relative energy error: 8.04049e-72
Relative energy error: 0
Relative energy error: 0
Relative energy error: 0
Relative energy error: 8.04049e-72
Relative energy error: 1.6081e-71
Relative energy error: 8.04049e-72
Relative energy error: 8.04049e-72
Relative energy error: 1.6081e-71
Relative energy error: 1.6081e-71
Relative energy error: 1.6081e-71
Relative energy error: 1.6081e-71
Relative energy error: 8.04049e-72
Relative energy error: 0
Relative energy error: 8.04049e-72
Relative energy error: 8.04049e-72
Relative energy error: 8.04049e-72
Relative energy error: 1.6081e-71
Relative energy error: 8.04049e-72
Relative energy error: 1.6081e-71

The console output indeed confirms that energy is conserved at the level of the epsilon of the octuple-precision format (that is, \(\sim 10^{-71}\)).

Other classes and functions#

Besides the adaptive integrator, several other classes and functions in heyoka can be used in arbitrary precision.

The event classes, for instance, can be constructed in arbitrary precision by passing mppp::real as the template parameter (instead of double). Note that arbitrary-precision events must be used in an arbitrary-precision integrator, otherwise an error will be produced at compilation time.

Extended vs arbitrary precision#

In general, if your architecture supports extended-precision data types and their precision is sufficient, you should prefer extended-precision integrations over arbitrary-precision integrations, as the former will provide better performance.

On the other hand, arbitrary-precision integrations can satisfy any precision requirement, and they are available on all platforms, even where there are no extended-precision data types (e.g., on Windows).