

heyoka is written in modern C++, and it requires a compiler able to understand at least C++20. Specifically, heyoka currently targets GCC>=10, clang>=14 and MSVC>=2022. The library is regularly tested on a continuous integration pipeline which includes several operating systems (Linux, OSX, Windows) and several CPU architectures (x86-64, 64-bit ARM and 64-bit PowerPC).

heyoka has the following mandatory dependencies:

  • the LLVM compiler infrastructure library (version >=16 and <=20),

  • the Boost C++ libraries (version >=1.85),

  • the {fmt} library (version >=9 and <=11),

  • the spdlog library,

  • the TBB library,

  • the OpenSSL library.

Additionally, heyoka has the following optional dependencies:

  • the mp++ multiprecision library, which provides support for arbitrary-precision integrations on all platforms, and for quadruple-precision integrations on platforms supporting the non-standard __float128 type. heyoka requires an mp++ installation with support for Boost.serialization and for the {fmt} library (see the mp++ installation instructions). heyoka currently requires mp++ 2.x;

  • the SLEEF vectorized math library (improves the performance of integrations in batch mode),

  • the xtensor and xtensor-blas libraries (used in the tests and benchmarks).

CMake is the build system used by heyoka and it must also be available when installing from source (the minimum required version is 3.18).


The spdlog library depends on the {fmt} library, and by default spdlog uses a bundled internal copy of {fmt} which may not be compatible with other {fmt} installations that may be present on the system. This situation can lead to build and/or runtime errors.

Users are thus advised to ensure that spdlog is built with the SPDLOG_FMT_EXTERNAL CMake option turned ON, in order to ensure that both spdlog and heyoka are linking to the same {fmt} installation.

Support for extended precision#

Whereas in heyoka single-precision and double-precision computations are always supported via the float and double types respectively, support for extended-precision computations varies depending on the software/hardware platform.

80-bit precision#

80-bit precision support requires an x86 processor. Additionally, the 80-bit floating-point type must be available in C++ as the long double type. This is case for most compilers, with the notable exception of Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC), where long double is a synonym for double. Thus, on Windows 80-bit precision support is not available, unless heyoka (and all its dependencies) have been compiled with a compiler supporting the 80-bit floating-point type.

128-bit precision#

On platforms where long double is a quadruple-precision floating-point datatype (e.g., 64-bit Linux ARM), quadruple-precision integrations are always supported via long double. Otherwise, on platforms such as x86-64, quadruple-precision computations are supported if:

  • the nonstandard __float128 floating-point type is available and supported, and

  • an installation of the mp++ library with support for the mppp::real128 class is available (see the mp++ installation instructions), and

  • heyoka is compiled with the HEYOKA_WITH_MPPP option enabled (see below).

If these conditions are satisfied, then quadruple-precision computations are supported in heyoka via the mppp::real128 type.


The non-IEEE long double type available on some PowerPC platforms (which implements a double-length floating-point representation with 106 significant bits) is not supported by heyoka at this time.


Arbitrary-precision integrations are supported on all platforms, provided that heyoka is compiled with the HEYOKA_WITH_MPPP option enabled (see below) and that the mp++ library is compiled with the MPPP_WITH_MPFR option enabled (see the mp++ installation instructions).



heyoka is available via the conda package manager for Linux, OSX and Windows thanks to the infrastructure provided by conda-forge.

In order to install heyoka via conda, you just need to add conda-forge to the channels, and then we can immediately install heyoka:

$ conda config --add channels conda-forge
$ conda config --set channel_priority strict
$ conda install heyoka

Note that the heyoka package on conda is built against an unspecified version of LLVM. If you need a package built against a specific version of LLVM, you can install one of the heyoka-llvm-* meta-packages. For instance, in order to install a package built against LLVM 12, you could use the following command:

$ conda install heyoka-llvm-12

The list of heyoka meta-packages is available here.

The conda packages for heyoka are maintained by the core development team, and they are regularly updated when new heyoka versions are released.

Please refer to the conda documentation for instructions on how to setup and manage your conda installation.


A community-supported FreeBSD port via pkg is available for heyoka. In order to install heyoka using pkg, execute the following command:

$ pkg install heyoka


A community-supported spack package is available for heyoka. In order to install heyoka using spack, execute the following command:

$ spack install heyoka

Installation from source#

Source releases of heyoka can be downloaded from github. Once in the source tree of heyoka, you can use cmake to configure the build to your liking (e.g., enabling optional features, customizing the installation path, etc.). The available configuration options are:

  • HEYOKA_WITH_MPPP: enable features relying on the mp++ library (off by default),

  • HEYOKA_WITH_SLEEF: enable features relying on the SLEEF library (off by default),

  • HEYOKA_BUILD_TESTS: build the test suite (off by default),

  • HEYOKA_BUILD_BENCHMARKS: build the benchmarking suite (off by default),

  • HEYOKA_BUILD_TUTORIALS: build the tutorials (off by default),

  • HEYOKA_BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY: build heyoka as a static library, instead of a dynamic library (off by default),

  • HEYOKA_ENABLE_IPO: enable link-time optimisations when building the heyoka library (requires compiler support, off by default).

The following advanced options are also available:

  • HEYOKA_FORCE_STATIC_LLVM: force statically linking to the LLVM libraries (off by default). Note that, by default, heyoka prefers to dynamically link to LLVM if both dynamic and static versions of the libraries are available.

  • HEYOKA_HIDE_LLVM_SYMBOLS: when statically linking to the LLVM libraries, try to hide the symbols exported by LLVM (off by default). When linking dynamically to LLVM, this option has no effects.

The HEYOKA_HIDE_LLVM_SYMBOLS option is useful if heyoka needs to be used in conjunction with software linking to an LLVM version different from the one used by heyoka. In such cases, symbol collisions between different LLVM version coexisting in the same process will lead to unpredictable runtime behaviour (e.g., segfaults). This option attempts to hide the LLVM symbols exported by the LLVM version in use by heyoka in order to avoid symbol collisions. Note however that, depending on the platform, the HEYOKA_HIDE_LLVM_SYMBOLS option might end up hiding the symbols exported by all the static libraries heyoka links to (i.e., not only LLVM), which might end up creating other issues. Users are thus advised to activate this option only if LLVM is the only static library heyoka links to.

In order to build heyoka, you can run the following CMake command from the build directory:

$ cmake --build .


heyoka relies on a conforming implementation of IEEE floating-point arithmetic. Do not enable fast math flags (e.g., -ffast-math, -Ofast, etc.) when compiling heyoka or software depending on heyoka. If you are using the Intel C++ compiler, make sure that you are using the strict floating-point model.

To install heyoka, you can use the following CMake command:

$ cmake  --build . --target install

The installation command will copy the heyoka headers and library to the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX directory.

If you enabled the HEYOKA_BUILD_TESTS option, you can run the test suite with the following command:

$ cmake  --build . --target test


On Windows, and if heyoka is built as a shared library (the default), in order to execute the test or the benchmark suite you have to ensure that the PATH variable includes the directory that contains the heyoka DLL (otherwise the tests will fail to run).

Including heyoka in your project via CMake#

As a part of the heyoka installation, a group of CMake files is installed into CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib/cmake/heyoka. This bundle, which is known in the CMake lingo as a config-file package, facilitates the detection and use of heyoka from other CMake-based projects. heyoka’s config-file package, once loaded, provides an imported target called heyoka::heyoka which encapsulates all the information necessary to use heyoka. That is, linking to heyoka::heyoka ensures that heyoka’s include directories are added to the include path of the compiler, and that the libraries on which heyoka depends are brought into the link chain.

For instance, a CMakeLists.txt file for a project using heyoka may look like this:

# heyoka requires at least CMake 3.18.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.18.0)

# The name of our project.

# Look for an installation of heyoka in the system.
find_package(heyoka REQUIRED)

# Create an executable, and link it to the heyoka::heyoka imported target.
# This ensures that, in the compilation of 'main', heyoka's include
# dirs are added to the include path of the compiler and that heyoka's
# dependencies are transitively linked to 'main'.
add_executable(main main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(main heyoka::heyoka)

heyoka’s config-file package also exports the following boolean variables to signal with which optional dependencies heyoka was compiled:

  • heyoka_WITH_SLEEF if SLEEF support was enabled,

  • heyoka_WITH_MPPP if mp++ support was enabled,

  • heyoka_WITH_REAL128 (new in version 0.19) if quadruple-precision computations via the mppp::real128 type are supported,

  • heyoka_WITH_REAL (new in version 0.20) if arbitrary-precision computations via the mppp::real type are supported.

Added in version 0.17.0.

heyoka’s config-file package also exports a heyoka_LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR variable containing the major number of the LLVM version against which heyoka was compiled. E.g., if heyoka was compiled against LLVM 13.0.1, then heyoka_LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR is 13.