

mp++ is written in modern C++, and it requires a compiler able to understand at least C++11 (mp++ will also use features from C++14, C++17 and C++20, if supported by the compiler). The library is regularly tested on a continuous integration pipeline which includes:

  • the three major compilers (GCC, Clang and MSVC),

  • the three major operating systems (Linux, Windows and OSX),

  • x86 and ARM processors.

mp++ has the following dependencies:

  • the GMP library, mandatory (GMP 5 and later versions are supported, the MPIR fork of GMP can also be used);

  • the GNU MPFR multiprecision floating-point library, optional, used in the implementation of the real class and for providing support for the long double type in integer and rational (MPFR 3 or a later version is required);

  • the GNU MPC multiprecision complex library, optional, used in the implementation of the complex class;

  • the Arb and FLINT libraries, optional, used in the implementation of additional special functions for the real and complex classes, and in the benchmarking suite;

  • the quadmath library from GCC, optional, used in the implementation of the real128 and complex128 classes (typically, the quadmath library is part of GCC and it does not need to be installed separately);

  • the Boost libraries, optional, currently used for implementing (de)serialisation and in the benchmarking suite;

  • the {fmt} library (at least version 6.2), optional, used to provide formatting capabilities to the multiprecision classes and in the benchmarking suite.

Additionally, CMake is the build system used by mp++ and it must also be available when installing from source (the minimum required version is 3.8).

Installation from source#

Source releases of mp++ can be downloaded from github. Once in the source tree of mp++, you can use cmake to configure the build to your liking (e.g., enabling optional features, customizing the installation path, etc.). The available configuration options are:

  • MPPP_WITH_MPFR: enable features relying on the GNU MPFR library (off by default),

  • MPPP_WITH_MPC: enable features relying on the GNU MPC library (off by default, requires the MPPP_WITH_MPFR option to be active),

  • MPPP_WITH_ARB: enable features relying on the Arb library (off by default, requires the MPPP_WITH_MPFR option to be active),

  • MPPP_WITH_QUADMATH: enable features relying on the quadmath library (off by default),

  • MPPP_WITH_BOOST_S11N: enable support for serialisation via the Boost.serialization library (off by default),

  • MPPP_WITH_FMT: enable support for formatting via the fmt library (off by default),

  • MPPP_BUILD_TESTS: build the test suite (off by default),

  • MPPP_BUILD_BENCHMARKS: build the benchmarking suite (off by default),

  • MPPP_BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY: build mp++ as a static library, instead of a dynamic library (off by default),

  • MPPP_MSVC_UNICODE: enable Unicode solutions for MSVC (available only when using MSVC, off by default),

  • MPPP_ENABLE_IPO: enable link-time optimisations when building the mp++ library (requires CMake >= 3.9 and compiler support, off by default).

New in version 0.5: The MPPP_WITH_MPFR and MPPP_WITH_QUADMATH build options.

New in version 0.15: The MPPP_BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY and MPPP_MSVC_UNICODE build options.

New in version 0.19: The MPPP_WITH_ARB build option.

New in version 0.20: The MPPP_WITH_MPC and MPPP_ENABLE_IPO build options.

New in version 0.22: The MPPP_WITH_BOOST_S11N build option.

New in version 0.27: The MPPP_WITH_FMT build option.

Note that the MPPP_WITH_QUADMATH option, at this time, is available only using GCC (all the supported versions), Clang (since version 3.9) and the Intel compiler. When this option is active, mp++ needs access at build time to both the quadmath header quadmath.h and the quadmath library, which may be installed in non-standard locations. While GCC is typically able to resolve the correct paths automatically, the other compilers might need assistance in order to identify the correct locations of these files.

To build mp++, you can run the following CMake command from the build directory:

$ cmake --build .

To install mp++, you can use the following CMake command:

$ cmake  --build . --target install

The installation command will copy the mp++ headers and library to the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX directory.

If you enabled the MPPP_BUILD_TESTS option, you can run the test suite with the following command:

$ cmake  --build . --target test

If you enabled the MPPP_BUILD_BENCHMARKS option, you can run the benchmark suite with the following command:

$ cmake  --build . --target benchmark


On Windows, and if mp++ is built as a shared library (the default), in order to execute the test or the benchmark suite you have to ensure that the PATH variable includes the directory that contains the mp++ DLL (otherwise the tests will fail to run).


mp++ is also available from several package managers on various platforms.


New in version 0.2.

mp++ is available in the conda package manager from the conda-forge channel. Packages for Linux, Windows and OSX are available. In order to install mp++ via conda, you just need to add conda-forge to the channels:

$ conda config --add channels conda-forge
$ conda config --set channel_priority strict
$ conda install mppp

(note that the conda package for mp++ is named mppp rather than mp++)

Please refer to the conda documentation for instructions on how to setup and manage your conda installation.


A FreeBSD port via pkg has been created for mp++. In order to install mp++ using pkg, execute the following command:

$ pkg install mppp

Checking the installation#

You can test the installation of mp++ with the following simple main.cpp program:

#include <iostream>
#include <mp++/mp++.hpp>

using int_t = mppp::integer<1>;

int main()
    int_t n{42};
    std::cout << n << '\n';

If mp++ is installed in a standard prefix, on a typical GNU/Linux system you can compile this example with the following command:

$ g++ -std=c++11 main.cpp -lmp++ -lgmp


The -std=c++11 flag is not necessary if your GCC version is recent enough (i.e., for GCC 6 and later).

Because parts of mp++ are implemented using templates, users of the library will have to explicitly link to GMP and (if enabled) MPFR, MPC and Boost.serialization. Explicit linking to the other optional dependencies is not necessary, as their use is confined within the mp++ compiled library.

If you are using CMake, it is highly recommended to make use of the config-file package provided with mp++ rather than locating and linking manually the required dependencies (see the next section).


Unless the definition NDEBUG is activated at compile time, mp++ runs extensive internal debug checks at runtime which carry a large performance penalty. Users are advised to always define NDEBUG when compiling code using mp++ in Release builds.

Including mp++ in your project via CMake#

New in version 0.2.

As a part of the mp++ installation, a group of CMake files is installed into CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib/cmake/mp++. This bundle, which is known in the CMake lingo as a config-file package, facilitates the detection and use of mp++ from other CMake-based projects. mp++’s config-file package, once loaded, provides an imported target called mp++::mp++ which encapsulates all the information necessary to use mp++. That is, linking to mp++::mp++ ensures that mp++’s include directories are added to the include path of the compiler, and that the libraries on which mp++ depends (e.g., GMP) are brought into the link chain.

For instance, a CMakeLists.txt file for the simple main.cpp program presented earlier may look like this:

# mp++ requires at least CMake 3.8.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8.0)

 # The name of our project.

 # Look for an installation of mp++ in the system.
 find_package(mp++ REQUIRED)

 # Create an executable, and link it to the mp++::mp++ imported target.
 # This ensures that, in the compilation of 'main', mp++'s include
 # dirs are added to the include path of the compiler and that mp++'s
 # dependencies (e.g., GMP) are transitively linked to 'main'.
 add_executable(main main.cpp)
 target_link_libraries(main mp++::mp++)

New in version 0.22.

mp++’s config-file package also exports the following boolean variables to signal with which optional dependencies mp++ was compiled:

  • mp++_WITH_MPFR if MPFR support was enabled,

  • mp++_WITH_MPC if MPC support was enabled,

  • mp++_WITH_ARB if Arb support was enabled,

  • mp++_WITH_QUADMATH if quadmath support was enabled,

  • mp++_WITH_BOOST_S11N if Boost.serialization support was enabled,

  • mp++_WITH_FMT if fmt support was enabled.

Compiler and platform specific notes#

Visual Studio:

  • The mp++ library is compiled with the NOMINMAX and WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN definitions, and, if supported, with the /permissive- compiler flag.

  • If the MPPP_MSVC_UNICODE CMake option is enabled, the mp++ library is compiled with the UNICODE and _UNICODE definitions.

  • When building mp++ as a static library, MSVC’s static runtime will be used (instead of the dynamic runtime). One can force the use of the dynamic runtime when building mp++ as a static library by turning on the MPPP_BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY_WITH_DYNAMIC_MSVC_RUNTIME advanced CMake option.


  • On Clang<7, __float128 cannot be used in mixed-mode operations with long double. Accordingly, real128 will disable interoperability with long double if Clang<7 is being used.

Intel compiler:

  • The Intel compiler does not implement certain __float128 floating-point primitives as constant expressions. As a result, a few real128 functions which are constexpr on GCC and Clang are not constexpr when using the Intel compiler. These occurrences are marked in the API reference. Also, the Intel compiler seems to be prone to internal errors when performing constexpr computations with real128 and complex128.


  • Due to a compiler bug in the implementation of thread_local storage [1], certain performance optimisations are disabled when compiling with MinGW.


  • When using older versions of Xcode, performance in multi-threading scenarios might be reduced due to lack of support for the C++11 thread_local feature.


  • The long double overloads of some mathematical functions (such as std::pow()) may be implemented in double precision. Additionally, if the arguments to such mathematical functions are compile-time constants, the compiler may decide (depending on the optimisation level) to actually compute the result at compile time using full long double precision. This behaviour can lead to subtle inconsistencies, and it results in one test case from the mp++ test suite failing on FreeBSD [2].
