
In this tutorial, we will assume that the global mp++ header has been included:

#include <mp++/mp++.hpp>

The mp++.hpp header will pull in the public mp++ API in its entirety. It is also possible to include individual mp++ headers instead of mp++.hpp, e.g.:

#include <mp++/integer.hpp>  // For the integer multiprecision class
                             // and associated functions.
#include <mp++/rational.hpp> // For the rational multiprecision class
                             // and associated functions.

Including individual headers rather than the global mp++.hpp header is in general a good idea if you don’t need all the features provided by mp++, and it may improve compilation times.


Do not include headers from the mp++/detail subdirectory! They contain implementation details which may change from version to version in incompatible ways.

We will also assume, for convenience, that mp++’s multiprecision classes have been lifted into the root namespace, and we will introduce a couple of handy aliases for the integer and rational classes:

using int_t = mppp::integer<1>;
using rat_t = mppp::rational<1>;

integer and rational are class templates parametrised over a positive integral value (referred to as static size) which indicates how many limbs will be stored in static storage before resorting to dynamic memory allocation. In the definitions above, int_t and rat_t will store values of size up to 1 limb without resorting to heap memory allocation. On modern 64-bit architectures, this means in practice that int_t will be able to represent in static storage integers whose absolute value is less than \(2^{64}\). A static size of 1 is a good default choice.

In this tutorial, we will not assume that mp++’s functions have been pulled into the global namespace: the mp++ API is designed around argument-dependent lookup, which means it is usually possible to call mp++’s functions without prepending mppp:: or employing using directives.