Multiprecision integers#

#include <mp++/integer.hpp>

The integer class#

template<std::size_t SSize>
class mppp::integer#

Multiprecision integer class.

This class represents arbitrary-precision signed integers. It acts as a wrapper around the GMP mpz_t type, with a small value optimisation: integers whose size is up to SSize limbs are stored directly in the storage occupied by the integer object, without resorting to dynamic memory allocation. The value of SSize must be at least 1 and less than an implementation-defined upper limit. On most modern architectures, a limb contains either 32 or 64 bits of data. Thus, for instance, if SSize is set to 2 on a 64-bit system, the small value optimisation will be employed for all integral values less than \(2^{64 \times 2} = 2^{128}\).

When the value of an integer is stored directly within the object, the storage type of the integer is said to be static. When the limb size of the integer exceeds the maximum value SSize, the storage type becomes dynamic. The transition from static to dynamic storage happens transparently whenever the integer value becomes large enough. The demotion from dynamic to static storage usually needs to be requested explicitly. For values of SSize of 1 and 2, optimised implementations of basic arithmetic operations are employed, if supported by the target architecture and if the storage type is static. For larger values of SSize, the mpn_ low-level functions of the GMP API are used if the storage type is static. If the storage type is dynamic, the usual mpz_ functions from the GMP API are used.

Most of the functionality is exposed via plain functions, with the general convention that the functions are named after the corresponding GMP functions minus the leading mpz_ prefix. For instance, the GMP call


that writes the result of a + b into rop becomes simply


where the add() function is resolved via argument-dependent lookup. Function calls with overlapping arguments are allowed, unless noted otherwise. Various overloaded operators are also provided.

Several facilities for interfacing with the GMP library are provided. Specifically, integer features:

  • a constructor and an assignment operator from the GMP integer type mpz_t,

  • a get_mpz_t() method that promotes this to dynamic storage and returns a pointer to the internal mpz_t instance,

  • an mpz_view class, an instance of which can be requested via the get_mpz_view() method, which allows to use integer in the GMP API as a drop-in replacement for const mpz_t function arguments.

The mpz_view class represent a read-only view of an integer object which is implicitly convertible to the type const mpz_t and which is thus usable as an argument to GMP functions. For example:

mpz_t m;
mpz_init_set_si(m,1); // Create an mpz_t with the value 1.
integer<1> n{1}; // Initialize an integer with the value 1.
mpz_add(m,m,n.get_mpz_view()); // Compute the result of n + m and store
                               // it in m using the GMP API.

See the documentation of get_mpz_view() for more details about the mpz_view class. Via the GMP interfacing facilities, it is thus possible to use directly the GMP C API with integer objects whenever necessary (e.g., if a GMP function has not been wrapped yet by mp++).

The integer class supports a simple binary serialisation API, through member functions such as binary_save() and binary_load(), and the corresponding free function overloads.

A tutorial showcasing various features of integer is available.

static constexpr std::size_t ssize = SSize#

Alias for the static size.


Default constructor.

The default constructor initialises an integer with static storage type and value 0.

integer(const integer &other)#

Copy constructor.

The copy constructor deep-copies other into this, copying the original storage type as well.


other – the object that will be copied into this.

integer(integer &&other) noexcept#

Move constructor.

The move constructor will leave other in an unspecified but valid state. The storage type of this will be the same as other’s.


other – the object that will be moved into this.

explicit integer(const mp_limb_t *p, std::size_t size)#

Constructor from an array of limbs.

This constructor will initialise this with the content of the array sized size starting at p. The array is expected to contain the limbs of the desired value for this, ordered from the least significant to the most significant.

For instance, the following code:

mp_limb_t arr[] = {5,6,7};
integer<1> n{arr, 3};

will initialise n to the value \(5 + 6 \times 2^{N} + 7 \times 2^{2N}\), where \(N\) is the compile-time GMP constant GMP_NUMB_BITS representing the number of value bits in a limb (typically 64 or 32, depending on the platform).

This constructor always initialises this to a non-negative value, and it requires the most significant limb of p to be nonzero. It also requires every member of the input array not to be greater than the GMP_NUMB_MAX GMP constant. If size is zero, this will be initialised to zero without ever dereferencing p.


The effects of this constructor are highly dependent on the platform currently in use and also on the build configuration of the GMP library. Do not use it for portable initialisation.

  • p – a pointer to the beginning of the limbs array.

  • size – the size of the limbs array.

  • std::invalid_argument – if the last element of the p array is zero, or if at least one element of the p array is greater than GMP_NUMB_MAX.

  • std::overflow_error – if size is larger than an implementation-defined limit.

explicit integer(integer_bitcnt_t nbits)#

Constructor from number of bits.

This constructor will initialise this to zero, allocating enough memory to represent a value with a magnitude of nbits binary digits. The storage type will be static if nbits is small enough, dynamic otherwise. For instance, the code

integer n{integer_bitcnt_t(64)};

will initialise an integer n with value zero and enough storage for a 64-bit value.


nbits – the number of bits of storage that will be allocated.


std::overflow_error – if the value of nbits is larger than an implementation-defined limit.

template<integer_cpp_arithmetic T>
explicit integer(const T &x)#

Generic constructor from arithmetic C++ types.


This constructor is not explicit if T satisfies cpp_integral.

This constructor will initialize an integer with the value of x. The initialisation is always successful if x is an integral value (construction from bool yields 1 for true, 0 for false). If x is a floating-point value, the construction will fail if x is not finite. Construction from a floating-point type yields the truncated counterpart of the input value.


x – value that will be used to initialize this.


std::domain_error – if x is a non-finite floating-point value.

template<integer_cpp_complex T>
explicit integer(const T &c)#

New in version 0.19.

Generic constructor from complex C++ types.

This constructor will initialize an integer with the value of c. The initialisation is successful only if the imaginary part of c is zero and the real part of c is finite.


c – value that will be used to initialize this.


std::domain_error – if the imaginary part of c is not zero or if the real part of c is not finite.

template<string_type T>
explicit integer(const T &s, int base = 10)#

Constructor from string.

This constructor will initialize this from s, which must represent an integer value in base base. The expected format is the same as specified by the mpz_set_str() GMP function. base may vary from 2 to 62, or be zero. In the latter case, the base is inferred from the leading characters of the string.

  • s – the input string.

  • base – the base used in the string representation.

  • std::invalid_argument – if the base parameter is invalid or if s is not a valid string representation of an integer in the specified base.

  • unspecified – any exception thrown by memory allocation errors in standard containers.

explicit integer(const char *begin, const char *end, int base = 10)#

Constructor from range of characters.

This constructor will initialise this from the content of the input half-open range, which is interpreted as the string representation of an integer in base base.

Internally, the constructor will copy the content of the range to a local buffer, add a string terminator, and invoke the constructor from string.

  • begin – the begin of the input range.

  • end – the end of the input range.

  • base – the base used in the string representation.


unspecified – any exception thrown by the constructor from string, or by memory allocation errors in standard containers.

explicit integer(const mpz_t n)#

Copy constructor from mpz_t.

This constructor will initialize this with the value of the GMP integer n. The storage type of this will be static if n fits in the static storage, otherwise it will be dynamic.


It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that n has been correctly initialized. Calling this constructor with an uninitialized n results in undefined behaviour.


n – the input GMP integer.

explicit integer(mpz_t &&n)#

Move constructor from mpz_t.

This constructor will initialize this with the value of the GMP integer n, transferring the state of n into this. The storage type of this will be static if n fits in the static storage, otherwise it will be dynamic.


It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that n has been correctly initialized. Calling this constructor with an uninitialized n results in undefined behaviour.

Additionally, the user must ensure that, after construction, mpz_clear() is never called on n: the resources previously owned by n are now owned by this, which will take care of releasing them when the destructor is called.


Due to a compiler bug, this constructor is not available on Microsoft Visual Studio.


n – the input GMP integer.

integer &operator=(const integer &other)#

Copy assignment operator.

This operator will perform a deep copy of other, copying its storage type as well.


other – the assignment argument.


a reference to this.

integer &operator=(integer &&other)#

Move assignment operator.

After the move, other will be in an unspecified but valid state, and the storage type of this will be other’s original storage type.


other – the assignment argument.


a reference to this.

template<integer_cpp_arithmetic T>
integer &operator=(const T &x)#

Generic assignment operator from arithmetic C++ types.

This operator will assign x to this. The storage type of this after the assignment will depend only on the value of x (that is, the storage type will be static if the value of x is small enough, dynamic otherwise). Assignment from floating-point types will assign the truncated counterpart of x.


x – the assignment argument.


a reference to this.


std::domain_error – if x is a non-finite floating-point value.

template<integer_cpp_complex T>
integer &operator=(const T &c)#

New in version 0.19.

Generic assignment operator from complex C++ types.

This operator will assign c to this. The storage type of this after the assignment will depend only on the value of c (that is, the storage type will be static if the value of c is small enough, dynamic otherwise). The assignment will be successful only if the imaginary part of c is zero and the real part of c is finite.


c – the assignment argument.


a reference to this.


std::domain_error – if the imaginary part of c is not zero or if the real part of c is not finite.

integer &operator=(const rational<SSize> &x)#
integer &operator=(const real128 &x)#
integer &operator=(const real &x)#
integer &operator=(const complex128 &x)#
integer &operator=(const complex &x)#


The real128 and complex128 overloads are available only if mp++ was configured with the MPPP_WITH_QUADMATH option enabled. The real overload is available only if mp++ was configured with the MPPP_WITH_MPFR option enabled. The complex overload is available only if mp++ was configured with the MPPP_WITH_MPC option enabled.

New in version 0.20.

Assignment operators from other mp++ classes.

These operators are formally equivalent to converting x to integer and then move-assigning the result to this.


x – the assignment argument.


a reference to this.


unspecified – any exception raised by the conversion of x to integer.

template<string_type T>
integer &operator=(const T &s)#

Assignment from string.

The body of this operator is equivalent to:

return *this = integer{s};

That is, a temporary integer is constructed from s and it is then move-assigned to this.


s – the string that will be used for the assignment.


a reference to this.


unspecified – any exception thrown by the constructor from string.

integer &operator=(const mpz_t n)#

Copy assignment from mpz_t.

This assignment operator will copy into this the value of the GMP integer n. The storage type of this after the assignment will be static if n fits in the static storage, otherwise it will be dynamic.


It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that n has been correctly initialized. Calling this operator with an uninitialized n results in undefined behaviour. Also, no aliasing is allowed: the data in n must be completely distinct from the data in this (e.g., if n is an mpz_view of this then it might point to internal data of this, and the behaviour of this operator will thus be undefined).


n – the input GMP integer.


a reference to this.

integer &operator=(mpz_t &&n)#

Move assignment from mpz_t.

This assignment operator will move into this the GMP integer n. The storage type of this after the assignment will be static if n fits in the static storage, otherwise it will be dynamic.


It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that n has been correctly initialized. Calling this operator with an uninitialized n results in undefined behaviour. Also, no aliasing is allowed: the data in n must be completely distinct from the data in this (e.g., if n is an mpz_view of this then it might point to internal data of this, and the behaviour of this operator will thus be undefined).

Additionally, the user must ensure that, after the assignment, mpz_clear() is never called on n: the resources previously owned by n are now owned by this, which will take care of releasing them when the destructor is called.


Due to a compiler bug, this operator is not available on Microsoft Visual Studio.


n – the input GMP integer.


a reference to this.

integer &set_zero()#
integer &set_one()#
integer &set_negative_one()#

Set to \(0\), \(1\) or \(-1\).

After calling these member functions, the storage type of this will be static.


These are specialised higher-performance alternatives to the assignment operators.


a reference to this.

bool is_static() const#
bool is_dynamic() const#

Query the storage type currently in use.


true if the current storage type is static (resp. dynamic), false otherwise.

std::string to_string(int base = 10) const#

Conversion to string.

This member function will convert this into a string in base base using the GMP function mpz_get_str().


base – the desired base.


a string representation of this.


std::invalid_argument – if base is smaller than 2 or greater than 62.

template<integer_cpp_arithmetic T>
explicit operator T() const#

Generic conversion operator to arithmetic C++ types.

This operator will convert this to T. Conversion to bool yields false if this is zero, true otherwise. Conversion to other integral types yields the exact result, if representable by the target type. Conversion to floating-point types might yield inexact values and infinities.


this converted to the target type.


std::overflow_error – if the target type is an integral type and the value of this cannot be represented by it.

template<integer_cpp_complex T>
explicit operator T() const#

New in version 0.19.

Generic conversion operator to complex C++ types.

This operator will convert this to T. The conversion might yield inexact values and infinities.


this converted to the target type.

template<integer_cpp_arithmetic T>
bool get(T &rop) const#

Generic conversion member function to arithmetic C++ types.

This member function, similarly to the conversion operator, will convert this to T, storing the result of the conversion into rop. Differently from the conversion operator, this member function does not raise any exception: if the conversion is successful, the member function will return true, otherwise the member function will return false. If the conversion fails, rop will not be altered.


rop – the variable which will store the result of the conversion.


true if the conversion succeeded, false otherwise. The conversion can fail only if T is an integral C++ type which cannot represent the value of this.

template<integer_cpp_complex T>
bool get(T &rop) const#

New in version 0.19.

Generic conversion member function to complex C++ types.

This member function, similarly to the conversion operator, will convert this to T, storing the result of the conversion into rop. The conversion is always successful, and this member function will always return true.


rop – the variable which will store the result of the conversion.



bool promote()#

Promote to dynamic storage.

This member function will promote the storage type of this from static to dynamic.


false if the storage type of this is already dynamic and no promotion takes place, true otherwise.

bool demote()#

Demote to static storage.

This member function will demote the storage type of this from dynamic to static.


false if the storage type of this is already static and no demotion takes place, or if the current value of this does not fit in static storage, true otherwise.

std::size_t nbits() const#
std::size_t size() const#

Size in bits or limbs.


the number of bits/limbs needed to represent this. If this is zero, zero will be returned.


std::overflow_error – if the size in bits of this is larger than an implementation-defined value.

int sgn() const#



\(0\) if this is zero, \(1\) if this is positive, \(-1\) if this is negative.

class mpz_view#

Read-only view onto an mpz_t.

This is a proxy class with an implicit conversion operator to a const pointer to the struct underlying mpz_t. Thus, objects of this class can be passed as read-only parameters to GMP functions.

In addition to the implicit conversion operator, a get() member function provides the same functionality (i.e., conversion to a const pointer to the struct underlying mpz_t).

Objects of this class can only be constructed by mppp::integer::get_mpz_view(), or move-constructed. All assignment operators are disabled.

mpz_view get_mpz_view() const#

Get a GMP-compatible read-only view of this.

This member function will return an mpz_view object containing a read-only GMP-compatible representation of the value stored in this. That is, the return value of this function can be used in the GMP API where a const mpz_t parameter is expected.


Because the returned object is a non-owning view of this, it is important to keep in mind the following facts in order to avoid undefined behaviour at runtime:

  • the returned object and the pointer returned by its conversion operator might reference internal data belonging to this, and they can thus be safely used only during the lifetime of this;

  • the lifetime of the pointer returned by the conversion operator of the returned object is tied to the lifetime of the returned object itself (that is, if the mpz_view object is destroyed, any pointer previously returned by its conversion operator becomes invalid);

  • any modification to this will also invalidate the view and the pointer.


an mpz_view of this.

integer &neg()#

Negate in-place.

This member function will set this to -this.


a reference to this.

integer &abs()#

In-place absolute value.

This member function will set this to its absolute value.


a reference to this.

integer &nextprime()#

Compute next prime number in-place.

This member function will set this to the first prime number greater than the current value.


a reference to this.

int probab_prime_p(int reps = 25) const#

Test primality.

This member function will run a series of probabilistic tests to determine if this is a prime number. It will return 2 if this is definitely a prime, 1 if this is probably a prime and 0 if this is definitely not-prime.


reps – the number of tests to run.


an integer indicating if this is a prime.


std::invalid_argument – if reps is less than 1 or if this is negative.

integer &sqrt()#

Integer square root.

This member function will set this to its integer square root.


a reference to this.


std::domain_error – if this is negative.

integer &sqr()#

Integer squaring.

This member function will set this to its square.


a reference to this.

bool odd_p() const#
bool even_p() const#

Parity detection.


true if this is odd (resp. even), false otherwise.

std::remove_extent<mpz_t>::type *get_mpz_t()#

Get a pointer to the dynamic storage.

This member function will first promote this to dynamic storage (if this is not already employing dynamic storage), and it will then return a pointer to the internal mpz_t. The returned pointer can be used as an argument for the functions of the GMP API.


The returned pointer is a raw, non-owning pointer tied to the lifetime of this. Calling demote() or assigning an integer with static storage to this will invalidate the returned pointer.


a pointer to the internal GMP integer.

bool is_zero() const#
bool is_one() const#
bool is_negative_one() const#

Detect special values.


true if this is \(0\), \(1\) or \(-1\) respectively, false otherwise.

std::size_t binary_size() const#

Size of the serialised binary representation.

This member function will return a value representing the number of bytes necessary to serialise this into a memory buffer in binary format via one of the available binary_save() overloads. The returned value is platform-dependent.


the number of bytes needed for the binary serialisation of this.


std::overflow_error – if the size in limbs of this is larger than an implementation-defined limit.

std::size_t binary_save(char *dest) const#
std::size_t binary_save(std::vector<char> &dest) const#
template<std::size_t S>
std::size_t binary_save(std::array<char, S> &dest) const#
std::size_t binary_save(std::ostream &dest) const#

Serialise into a memory buffer or an output stream.

These member functions will write into dest a binary representation of this. The serialised representation produced by these member functions can be read back with one of the binary_load() overloads.

For the first overload, dest must point to a memory area whose size is at least equal to the value returned by binary_size(), otherwise the behaviour will be undefined. dest does not have any special alignment requirements.

For the second overload, the size of dest must be at least equal to the value returned by binary_size(). If that is not the case, dest will be resized to binary_size().

For the third overload, the size of dest must be at least equal to the value returned by binary_size(). If that is not the case, no data will be written to dest and zero will be returned.

For the fourth overload, if the serialisation is successful (that is, no stream error state is ever detected in dest after write operations), then the binary size of this (that is, the number of bytes written into dest) will be returned. Otherwise, zero will be returned. Note that a return value of zero does not necessarily imply that no bytes were written into dest, just that an error occurred at some point during the serialisation process.


The binary representation produced by these member functions is compiler, platform and architecture specific, and it is subject to possible breaking changes in future versions of mp++. Thus, it should not be used as an exchange format or for long-term data storage.


dest – the output buffer or stream.


the number of bytes written into dest (i.e., the output of binary_size(), if the serialisation was successful).

  • std::overflow_error – in case of (unlikely) overflow errors.

  • unspecified – any exception thrown by binary_size(), by memory errors in standard containers, or by the public interface of std::ostream.

std::size_t binary_load(const char *src)#
std::size_t binary_load(const std::vector<char> &src)#
template<std::size_t S>
std::size_t binary_load(const std::array<char, S> &src)#
std::size_t binary_load(std::istream &src)#

Deserialise from a memory buffer or an input stream.

These member functions will load into this the content of the memory buffer or input stream src, which must contain the serialised representation of an integer produced by one of the binary_save() overloads.

For the first overload, src does not have any special alignment requirements.

For the second and third overloads, the serialised representation of the integer must start at the beginning of src, but it can end before the end of src. Data past the end of the serialised representation of the integer will be ignored.

For the fourth overload, the serialised representation of the integer must start at the current position of src, but src can contain other data before and after the serialised integer value. Data past the end of the serialised representation of the integer will be ignored. If a stream error state is detected at any point of the deserialisation process after a read operation, zero will be returned and this will not have been modified. Note that a return value of zero does not necessarily imply that no bytes were read from src, just that an error occurred at some point during the serialisation process.


Although these member functions perform a few consistency checks on the data in src, they cannot ensure complete safety against maliciously-crafted data. Users are advised to use these member functions only with trusted data.


src – the source memory buffer or stream.


the number of bytes read from src (that is, the output of binary_size() after the deserialisation into this has successfully completed).

  • std::overflow_error – in case of (unlikely) overflow errors.

  • std::invalid_argument – if invalid data is detected in src.

  • unspecified – any exception thrown by memory errors in standard containers, the public interface of std::istream, or binary_size().


type mpz_t#

This is the type used by the GMP library to represent multiprecision integers. It is defined as an array of size 1 of an unspecified structure.

type mp_limb_t#

This type is defined by the GMP library. It is used to represents a limb, that is, the part of a multiprecision integer that fits in a single machine word. This is an unsigned integral type, typically 64 or 32 bits wide.

type mp_bitcnt_t#

This type is defined by the GMP library. It is an unsigned integral type used to count bits in a multiprecision number.

enum class mppp::integer_bitcnt_t : mp_bitcnt_t#

A strongly-typed counterpart to mp_bitcnt_t, used in the constructor of integer from number of bits.


template<typename T>
concept mppp::integer_cpp_arithmetic#

This concept is satisfied if T is an arithmetic C++ type compatible with integer.

Specifically, this concept is equivalent to cpp_arithmetic if mp++ was built with the MPPP_WITH_MPFR option enabled (see the installation instructions). Otherwise, this concept is equivalent to cpp_arithmetic minus the long double type.

template<typename T>
concept mppp::integer_cpp_complex#

This concept is satisfied if T is a complex C++ type compatible with integer.

Specifically, this concept is equivalent to cpp_complex if mp++ was built with the MPPP_WITH_MPFR option enabled (see the installation instructions). Otherwise, this concept is equivalent to cpp_complex minus the std::complex<long double> type.

template<typename T, typename U>
concept mppp::integer_op_types#

This concept is satisfied if the types T and U are suitable for use in the generic binary operators and functions involving integer. Specifically, the concept will be true if either:

Note that the modulo, bit-shifting and bitwise logic operators have additional restrictions.

template<typename T, typename U>
concept mppp::integer_real_op_types#

This concept will be true if:

template<typename T, typename U>
concept mppp::integer_integral_op_types#

This concept is satisfied if the types T and U are suitable for use in the generic binary operators and functions involving integer and integral C++ types. Specifically, the concept will be true if either:


Much of the functionality of the integer class is exposed via plain functions. These functions mimic the GMP API where appropriate, but a variety of convenience/generic overloads is provided as well.


template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::set_zero(mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#
template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::set_one(mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#
template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::set_negative_one(mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#

Set to \(0\), \(1\) or \(-1\).

After calling these functions, the storage type of n will be static and its value will be \(0\), \(1\) or \(-1\).


These are specialised higher-performance alternatives to the assignment operators.


n – the argument.


a reference to n.

template<std::size_t SSize>
void mppp::swap(mppp::integer<SSize> &n1, mppp::integer<SSize> &n2) noexcept#

New in version 0.15.


This function will efficiently swap the values of n1 and n2.

  • n1 – the first argument.

  • n2 – the second argument.


template<mppp::integer_cpp_arithmetic T, std::size_t SSize>
bool mppp::get(T &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#

Generic conversion function from integer to arithmetic C++ types.

This function will convert the input integer n to T, storing the result of the conversion into rop. If the conversion is successful, the function will return true, otherwise the function will return false. If the conversion fails, rop will not be altered.

  • rop – the variable which will store the result of the conversion.

  • n – the input integer.


true if the conversion succeeded, false otherwise. The conversion can fail only if T is an integral C++ type which cannot represent the value of n.

template<mppp::integer_cpp_complex T, std::size_t SSize>
bool mppp::get(T &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#

New in version 0.19.

Generic conversion function from integer to complex C++ types.

This function will convert the input integer n to T, storing the result of the conversion into rop. The conversion is always successful, and this function will always return true.

  • rop – the variable which will store the result of the conversion.

  • n – the input integer.




template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::add(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &x, const mppp::integer<SSize> &y)#
template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::sub(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &x, const mppp::integer<SSize> &y)#
template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::mul(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &x, const mppp::integer<SSize> &y)#

Ternary arithmetic primitives.

These functions will set rop to, respectively:

  • \(x + y\),

  • \(x - y\),

  • \(x \times y\).

  • rop – the return value.

  • x – the first operand.

  • y – the second operand.


a reference to rop.

template<std::size_t SSize, mppp::cpp_unsigned_integral T>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::add_ui(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &x, const T &y)#
template<std::size_t SSize, mppp::cpp_signed_integral T>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::add_si(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &x, const T &y)#
template<std::size_t SSize, mppp::cpp_unsigned_integral T>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::sub_ui(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &x, const T &y)#
template<std::size_t SSize, mppp::cpp_signed_integral T>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::sub_si(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &x, const T &y)#

Ternary addition/subtraction primitives with integral C++ types.

These functions, which will set rop to \(x \pm y\), can be faster alternatives to the integer addition function if y fits in a single limb.

  • rop – the return value.

  • x – the first operand.

  • y – the second operand.


a reference to rop.

template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::addmul(mppp::integer<SSize> &z, const mppp::integer<SSize> &x, const mppp::integer<SSize> &y)#
template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::submul(mppp::integer<SSize> &z, const mppp::integer<SSize> &x, const mppp::integer<SSize> &y)#

Ternary fused multiply-add/sub.

These functions will set z to \(z \pm x \times y\).

  • z – the return value.

  • x – the first argument.

  • y – the second argument.


a reference to z.

template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::mul_2exp(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &n, mp_bitcnt_t s)#

Ternary left shift.

This function will set rop to \(n\times 2^s\).

  • rop – the return value.

  • n – the multiplicand.

  • s – the bit shift value.


a reference to rop.


std::overflow_error – if s is larger than an implementation-defined limit.

template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::sqr(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#

New in version 0.18.

Binary squaring.

This function will set rop to the square of n.

  • rop – the return value.

  • n – the argument.


a reference to rop.

template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> mppp::sqr(const mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#

New in version 0.18.

Unary squaring.

This function will return the square of n.


n – the argument.


the square of n.

template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::sqrm(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &n, const mppp::integer<SSize> &mod)#

New in version 0.18.

Ternary modular squaring.

This function will set rop to the square of n modulo mod.

  • rop – the return value.

  • n – the argument.

  • mod – the modulus.


a reference to rop.


mppp::zero_division_error – if mod is zero.

template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> mppp::sqrm(const mppp::integer<SSize> &n, const mppp::integer<SSize> &mod)#

New in version 0.18.

Binary modular squaring.

This function will return the square of n modulo mod.

  • n – the argument.

  • mod – the modulus.


the square of n modulo mod.


mppp::zero_division_error – if mod is zero.

template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::neg(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#
template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::abs(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#

Binary negation and absolute value.

These functions will set rop to, respectively, \(-n\) and \(\left| n \right|\).

  • rop – the return value.

  • n – the input argument.


a reference to rop.

template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> mppp::neg(const mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#
template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> mppp::abs(const mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#

Unary negation and absolute value.


n – the input argument.


\(-n\) and \(\left| n \right|\) respectively.


template<std::size_t SSize>
void mppp::tdiv_qr(mppp::integer<SSize> &q, mppp::integer<SSize> &r, const mppp::integer<SSize> &n, const mppp::integer<SSize> &d)#

Truncated division with remainder.

This function will set q to the truncated quotient, \(n \operatorname{div} d\), and r to the remainder, \(n \bmod d\). The remainder r has the same sign as n. q and r must be distinct objects.

  • q – the quotient.

  • r – the remainder.

  • n – the dividend.

  • d – the divisor.

  • std::invalid_argument – if q and r are the same object.

  • mppp::zero_division_error – if d is zero.

template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::tdiv_q(mppp::integer<SSize> &q, const mppp::integer<SSize> &n, const mppp::integer<SSize> &d)#

Truncated division without remainder.

This function will set q to the truncated quotient, \(n \operatorname{div} d\).

  • q – the quotient.

  • n – the dividend.

  • d – the divisor.


a reference to q.


mppp::zero_division_error – if d is zero.

template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::divexact(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &n, const mppp::integer<SSize> &d)#
template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::divexact_gcd(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &n, const mppp::integer<SSize> &d)#

Ternary exact divisions.

These functions will set rop to the quotient \(\frac{n}{d}\).


Both functions require d to divide n exactly. divexact_gcd() additionally requires d to be positive.

  • rop – the return value.

  • n – the dividend.

  • d – the divisor.


a reference to rop.

template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> mppp::divexact(const mppp::integer<SSize> &n, const mppp::integer<SSize> &d)#
template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> mppp::divexact_gcd(const mppp::integer<SSize> &n, const mppp::integer<SSize> &d)#

Binary exact divisions.

These functions will return the quotient \(\frac{n}{d}\).


Both functions require d to divide n exactly. divexact_gcd() additionally requires d to be positive.

  • n – the dividend.

  • d – the divisor.



template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::tdiv_q_2exp(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &n, mp_bitcnt_t s)#

Ternary right shift.

This function will set rop to the truncated quotient \(n \operatorname{div} 2^s\).

  • rop – the return value.

  • n – the dividend.

  • s – the bit shift value.


a reference to rop.


template<std::size_t SSize>
int mppp::cmp(const mppp::integer<SSize> &x, const mppp::integer<SSize> &y)#

Three-way comparison.

  • x – the first operand.

  • y – the second operand.


0 if \(x = y\), a negative value if \(x<y\), a positive value if \(x>y\).

template<std::size_t SSize>
int mppp::sgn(const mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#

Sign function.


n – the input argument.


0 if n is zero, 1 if n is positive, -1 if n is negative.

template<std::size_t SSize>
bool mppp::odd_p(const mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#
template<std::size_t SSize>
bool mppp::even_p(const mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#

Parity detection.


n – the input argument.


true if n is odd (resp. even), false otherwise.

template<std::size_t SSize>
bool mppp::is_zero(const mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#
template<std::size_t SSize>
bool mppp::is_one(const mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#
template<std::size_t SSize>
bool mppp::is_negative_one(const mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#

Detect special values.


n – the input argument.


true if n is equal to \(0\), \(1\) or \(-1\) respectively, false otherwise.

Logic and bit fiddling#

New in version 0.6.

template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::bitwise_not(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &op)#

Bitwise NOT.

This function will set rop to the bitwise NOT (i.e., the one’s complement) of op. Negative operands are treated as-if they were represented using two’s complement.

  • rop – the return value.

  • op – the operand.


a reference to rop.

template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::bitwise_ior(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &x, const mppp::integer<SSize> &y)#
template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::bitwise_and(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &x, const mppp::integer<SSize> &y)#
template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::bitwise_xor(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &x, const mppp::integer<SSize> &y)#

Binary bitwise operations.

These functions will set rop to, respectively the bitwise OR, AND and XOR of \(x\) and \(y\). Negative operands are treated as-if they were represented using two’s complement.

  • rop – the return value.

  • x – the first operand.

  • y – the second operand.


a reference to rop.

Number theoretic functions#

template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::gcd(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &op1, const mppp::integer<SSize> &op2)#
template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::lcm(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &op1, const mppp::integer<SSize> &op2)#

Ternary GCD and LCM.

These functions will set rop to, respectively, the GCD and LCM of op1 and op2. The result is always nonnegative. If both operands are zero, rop is set to zero.

New in version 0.21: The lcm() function.

  • rop – the return value.

  • op1 – the first operand.

  • op2 – the second operand.


a reference to rop.

template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> mppp::gcd(const mppp::integer<SSize> &op1, const mppp::integer<SSize> &op2)#
template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> mppp::lcm(const mppp::integer<SSize> &op1, const mppp::integer<SSize> &op2)#

Binary GCD and LCM.

These functions will return, respectively, the GCD and LCM of op1 and op2. The result is always nonnegative. If both operands are zero, zero is returned.

New in version 0.21: The lcm() function.

  • op1 – the first operand.

  • op2 – the second operand.


the GCD or LCM of op1 and op2.

template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::fac_ui(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, unsigned long n)#


This function will set rop to \(n!\).

  • rop – the return value.

  • n – the operand.


a reference to rop.


std::invalid_argument – if n is larger than an implementation-defined limit.

template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::bin_ui(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &n, unsigned long k)#

Ternary binomial coefficient.

This function will set rop to \({n \choose k}\). Negative values of n are supported.

  • rop – the return value.

  • n – the top argument.

  • k – the bottom argument.


a reference to rop.

template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> mppp::bin_ui(const mppp::integer<SSize> &n, unsigned long k)#

Binary binomial coefficient.

  • n – the top argument.

  • k – the bottom argument.


\({n \choose k}\).

template<typename T, mppp::integer_integral_op_types<T> U>
auto mppp::binomial(const T &n, const U &k)#

Generic binomial coefficient.

This function will compute the binomial coefficient \({{n}\choose{k}}\), supporting integral input values. The implementation can handle positive and negative values for both the top and the bottom argument.

The return type is always integer.

  • n – the top argument.

  • k – the bottom argument.


\({n \choose k}\).


std::overflow_error – if k is outside an implementation-defined range.

template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::nextprime(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#

Compute next prime number (binary version).

This function will set rop to the first prime number greater than n. Note that for negative values of n this function always sets rop to \(2\).

  • rop – the return value.

  • n – the input argument.


a reference to rop.

template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> mppp::nextprime(const mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#

Compute next prime number (unary version).

For negative values of n this function always returns \(2\).


n – the input argument.


the first prime number greater than n.

template<std::size_t SSize>
int mppp::probab_prime_p(const mppp::integer<SSize> &n, int reps = 25)#

Primality test.

This is the free-function version of mppp::integer::probab_prime_p().

  • n – the integer whose primality will be tested.

  • reps – the number of tests to run.


an integer indicating if n is a prime.


unspecified – any exception thrown by mppp::integer::probab_prime_p().


template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::pow_ui(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &base, unsigned long exp)#

Ternary integral exponentiation.

This function will set rop to base**exp.

  • rop – the return value.

  • base – the base.

  • exp – the exponent.


a reference to rop.

template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> mppp::pow_ui(const mppp::integer<SSize> &base, unsigned long exp)#

Binary integral exponentiation.

  • base – the base.

  • exp – the exponent.



template<typename T, mppp::integer_op_types<T> U>
auto mppp::pow(const T &base, const U &exp)#

Generic binary exponentiation.

This function will raise base to the power exp, and return the result. If one of the arguments is a floating-point or complex value, then the result will be computed via std::pow() and it will also be a floating-point or complex value. Otherwise, the result will be an integer. In case of a negative integral exponent and integral base, the result will be zero unless the absolute value of base is 1.

  • base – the base.

  • exp – the exponent.



  • std::overflow_error – if base and exp are integrals and exp is non-negative and outside the range of unsigned long.

  • mppp::zero_division_error – if base and exp are integrals and base is zero and exp is negative.


template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::sqrt(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#

Binary square root.

This function will set rop to the truncated integer part of the square root of n.

  • rop – the return value.

  • n – the argument.


a reference to rop.


std::domain_error – if n is negative.

template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> mppp::sqrt(const mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#

Unary square root.

This function will return the truncated integer part of the square root of n.


n – the argument.


the integer square root of n.


std::domain_error – if n is negative.

template<std::size_t SSize>
void mppp::sqrtrem(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, mppp::integer<SSize> &rem, const mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#

New in version 0.12.

Square root with remainder.

This function will set rop to the truncated integer part of the square root of n, and rem to the remainder of the operation. That is, rem will be equal to n-rop*rop, and it will be zero if n is a perfect square.

rop and rem must be distinct objects.

  • rop – the first return value (i.e., the integer square root of n).

  • rem – the second return value (i.e., the remainder of the operation).

  • n – the argument.

  • std::domain_error – if n is negative.

  • std::invalid_argument – if rop and rem are the same object.

template<std::size_t SSize>
bool mppp::perfect_square_p(const mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#

New in version 0.12.

Detect perfect square.

This function returns true if n is a perfect square, false otherwise.


n – the argument.


true if n is a perfect square, false otherwise.

template<std::size_t SSize>
bool mppp::root(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, const mppp::integer<SSize> &n, unsigned long m)#

New in version 0.12.

Ternary \(m\)-th root.

This function will set rop to the truncated integer part of the \(m\)-th root of n. The return value will be true if the computation is exact, false otherwise.

  • rop – the return value.

  • n – the argument.

  • m – the degree of the root.


true if the computation is exact, false otherwise.


std::domain_error – if m is even and n is negative, or if m is zero.

template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> mppp::root(const mppp::integer<SSize> &n, unsigned long m)#

New in version 0.12.

Binary \(m\)-th root.

This function will return the truncated integer part of the \(m\)-th root of n.

  • n – the argument.

  • m – the degree of the root.


the truncated integer part of the \(m\)-th root of n.


std::domain_error – if m is even and n is negative, or if m is zero.

template<std::size_t SSize>
void mppp::rootrem(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, mppp::integer<SSize> &rem, const mppp::integer<SSize> &n, unsigned long m)#

New in version 0.12.

\(m\)-th root with remainder.

This function will set rop to the truncated integer part of the \(m\)-th root of n, and rem to the remainder of the operation. That is, rem will be equal to n-rop**m, and it will be zero if n is a perfect power.

  • rop – the first return value (i.e., the \(m\)-th root root of n).

  • rem – the second return value (i.e., the remainder of the operation).

  • n – the argument.

  • m – the degree of the root.


std::domain_error – if m is even and n is negative, or if m is zero.

template<std::size_t SSize>
bool mppp::perfect_power_p(const mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#

New in version 0.12.

Detect perfect power.

This function will return true if n is a perfect power, that is, if there exist integers \(a\) and \(b\), with \(b>1\), such that n equals \(a^b\). Otherwise, the function will return false.


n – the argument.


true if n is a perfect power, false otherwise.


template<std::size_t SSize>
std::ostream &mppp::operator<<(std::ostream &os, const mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#

Stream insertion operator.

This function will direct to the output stream os the input integer n.

  • os – the output stream.

  • n – the input integer.


a reference to os.

  • std::overflow_error – in case of (unlikely) overflow errors.

  • unspecified – any exception raised by the public interface of std::ostream or by memory allocation errors.


New in version 0.7.

template<std::size_t SSize>
std::size_t mppp::binary_size(const mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#

Binary size.

This function is the free function equivalent of the mppp::integer::binary_size() member function.


n – the input argument.


the output of mppp::integer::binary_size() called on n.


unspecified – any exception thrown by mppp::integer::binary_size().

template<std::size_t SSize, typename T>
std::size_t mppp::binary_save(const mppp::integer<SSize> &n, T &&dest)#

Binary serialisation.


This function participates in overload resolution only if the expression

return n.binary_save(std::forward<T>(dest));

is well-formed.

This function is the free function equivalent of the mppp::integer::binary_save() overloads.

  • n – the input argument.

  • dest – the object into which n will be serialised.


the output of the invoked mppp::integer::binary_save() overload called on n with dest as argument.


unspecified – any exception thrown by the invoked mppp::integer::binary_save() overload.

template<std::size_t SSize, typename T>
std::size_t mppp::binary_load(mppp::integer<SSize> &n, T &&src)#

Binary deserialisation.


This function participates in overload resolution only if the expression

return n.binary_load(std::forward<T>(src));

is well-formed.

This function is the free function equivalent of the mppp::integer::binary_load() overloads.

  • n – the output argument.

  • src – the object containing the serialised integer that will be loaded into n.


the output of the invoked mppp::integer::binary_load() overload called on n with src as argument.


unspecified – any exception thrown by the invoked mppp::integer::binary_load() overload.


template<std::size_t SSize>
std::size_t mppp::hash(const mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#

Hash value.

This function will return a hash value for n. The hash value depends only on the value of n (and not on its storage type).

A specialisation of the standard std::hash functor is also provided, so that it is possible to use integer in standard unordered associative containers out of the box.


n – the input value.


a hash value for n.

void mppp::free_integer_caches()#

Free the integer caches.

On some platforms, integer manages thread-local caches to speed-up the allocation/deallocation of small objects. These caches are automatically freed on program shutdown or when a thread exits. In certain situations, however, it may be desirable to manually free the memory in use by the caches before the program’s end or a thread’s exit. This function does exactly that.

On platforms where thread local storage is not supported, this funcion will be a no-op.

It is safe to call this function concurrently from different threads.

Mathematical operators#

Overloaded operators are provided for convenience. Their interface is generic, and their implementation is typically built on top of basic functions.

template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> mppp::operator+(const mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#
template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> mppp::operator-(const mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#

Identity and negation operators.


n – the input argument.


\(n\) and \(-n\) respectively.

template<typename T, mppp::integer_op_types<T> U>
auto mppp::operator+(const T &x, const U &y)#
template<typename T, mppp::integer_op_types<T> U>
auto mppp::operator-(const T &x, const U &y)#
template<typename T, mppp::integer_op_types<T> U>
auto mppp::operator*(const T &x, const U &y)#
template<typename T, mppp::integer_op_types<T> U>
auto mppp::operator/(const T &x, const U &y)#

Binary arithmetic operators.

These operators will return, respectively:

  • \(x+y\),

  • \(x-y\),

  • \(x \times y\),

  • \(x \operatorname{div} y\).

The return type is determined as follows:

  • if the non-integer argument is a floating-point or complex value, then the type of the result is floating-point or complex; otherwise,

  • the type of the result is integer.

  • x – the first operand.

  • y – the second operand.


the result of the arithmetic operation.


mppp::zero_division_error – if, in a division, y is zero and only integral types are involved.

template<typename T, mppp::integer_op_types<T> U>
T &mppp::operator+=(T &x, const U &y)#
template<typename T, mppp::integer_op_types<T> U>
T &mppp::operator-=(T &x, const U &y)#
template<typename T, mppp::integer_op_types<T> U>
T &mppp::operator*=(T &x, const U &y)#
template<typename T, mppp::integer_op_types<T> U>
T &mppp::operator/=(T &x, const U &y)#

In-place arithmetic operators.

These operators will set x to, respectively:

  • \(x+y\),

  • \(x-y\),

  • \(x \times y\),

  • \(x \operatorname{div} y\).

  • x – the first operand.

  • y – the second operand.


a reference to x.

  • mppp::zero_division_error – if, in a division, y is zero and only integral types are involved.

  • unspecified – any exception thrown by the assignment/conversion operators of integer.

template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::operator++(mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#
template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::operator--(mppp::integer<SSize> &n)#

Prefix increment/decrement.


n – the input argument.


a reference to n after the increment/decrement.

template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> mppp::operator++(mppp::integer<SSize> &n, int)#
template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> mppp::operator--(mppp::integer<SSize> &n, int)#

Suffix increment/decrement.


n – the input argument.


a copy of n before the increment/decrement.

template<typename T, mppp::integer_integral_op_types<T> U>
auto mppp::operator%(const T &n, const U &d)#

Binary modulo operator.

The return type is always integer.

  • n – the dividend.

  • d – the divisor.


\(n \bmod d\).


mppp::zero_division_error – if d is zero.

template<typename T, mppp::integer_integral_op_types<T> U>
T &mppp::operator%=(T &rop, const U &op)#

In-place modulo operator.

  • rop – the dividend.

  • op – the divisor.


a reference to rop.

template<mppp::cpp_integral T, std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> mppp::operator<<(const mppp::integer<SSize> &n, T s)#
template<mppp::cpp_integral T, std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> mppp::operator>>(const mppp::integer<SSize> &n, T s)#

Binary left/right shift operators.

  • n – the multiplicand/dividend.

  • s – the bit shift value.


\(n \times 2^s\) and \(n \operatorname{div} 2^s\) respectively.


std::overflow_error – if s is negative or larger than an implementation-defined value.

template<mppp::cpp_integral T, std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::operator<<=(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, T s)#
template<mppp::cpp_integral T, std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> &mppp::operator>>=(mppp::integer<SSize> &rop, T s)#

In-place left/right shift operators.

  • rop – the multiplicand/dividend.

  • s – the bit shift value.


a reference to rop.


std::overflow_error – if s is negative or larger than an implementation-defined value.

template<typename T, mppp::integer_op_types<T> U>
bool mppp::operator==(const T &op1, const U &op2)#
template<typename T, mppp::integer_op_types<T> U>
bool mppp::operator!=(const T &op1, const U &op2)#
template<typename T, mppp::integer_op_types<T> U>
bool mppp::operator<(const T &op1, const U &op2)#
template<typename T, mppp::integer_op_types<T> U>
bool mppp::operator<=(const T &op1, const U &op2)#
template<typename T, mppp::integer_op_types<T> U>
bool mppp::operator>(const T &op1, const U &op2)#
template<typename T, mppp::integer_op_types<T> U>
bool mppp::operator>=(const T &op1, const U &op2)#

Binary comparison operators.

  • op1 – first argument.

  • op2 – second argument.


the result of the comparison.

template<std::size_t SSize>
mppp::integer<SSize> mppp::operator~(const mppp::integer<SSize> &op)#

Unary bitwise NOT.

This operator returns the bitwise NOT (i.e., the one’s complement) of op. Negative operands are treated as-if they were represented using two’s complement.


op – the operand.


the bitwise NOT of op.

template<typename T, mppp::integer_integral_op_types<T> U>
auto mppp::operator|(const T &op1, const U &op2)#
template<typename T, mppp::integer_integral_op_types<T> U>
auto mppp::operator&(const T &op1, const U &op2)#
template<typename T, mppp::integer_integral_op_types<T> U>
auto mppp::operator^(const T &op1, const U &op2)#

Binary bitwise operators.

These operators will return, respectively:

  • the bitwise OR,

  • the bitwise AND,

  • the bitwise XOR,

of op1 and op2.

Negative operands are treated as-if they were represented using two’s complement.

The return type is always integer.

  • op1 – the first operand.

  • op2 – the second operand.


the result of the bitwise operation.

template<typename T, mppp::integer_integral_op_types<T> U>
T &mppp::operator|=(T &rop, const U &op)#
template<typename T, mppp::integer_integral_op_types<T> U>
T &mppp::operator&=(T &rop, const U &op)#
template<typename T, mppp::integer_integral_op_types<T> U>
T &mppp::operator^=(T &rop, const U &op)#

In-place bitwise operators.

These operators will set rop to, respectively:

  • the bitwise OR,

  • the bitwise AND,

  • the bitwise XOR,

of rop and op.

Negative operands are treated as-if they were represented using two’s complement.

  • rop – the first operand.

  • op – the second operand.


a reference to rop.


unspecified – any exception thrown by the conversion operator of integer.

Standard library specialisations#

template<std::size_t SSize>
class std::hash<mppp::integer<SSize>>#

Specialisation of std::hash for mppp::integer.

using argument_type = mppp::integer<SSize>#
using result_type = std::size_t#


The argument_type and result_type type aliases are defined only until C++14.

std::size_t operator()(const mppp::integer<SSize> &n) const#

n – the input mppp::integer.


a hash value for n.

User-defined literals#

New in version 0.18.

template<char... Chars>
mppp::integer<1> mppp::literals::operator""_z1()#
template<char... Chars>
mppp::integer<2> mppp::literals::operator""_z2()#
template<char... Chars>
mppp::integer<3> mppp::literals::operator""_z3()#

User-defined integer literals.

These numeric literal operator templates can be used to construct integer instances with, respectively, 1, 2 and 3 limbs of static storage. Literals in binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal format are supported.


std::invalid_argument – if the input sequence of characters is not a valid integer literal (as defined by the C++ standard).