Common keyword arguments

Common keyword arguments#

Several sets of keyword arguments appear multiple times in the API docs for’s classes and functions. This page documents these common sets.

The fp_type kwarg#

Several classes and functions in allow to select the floating-point type to be used in the computations (as seen, for instance, in the extended precision tutorial).

The floating-point type is selected via the fp_type keyword argument, which must be one of the floating-point types supported by The types float (double precision) and numpy.single (single precision) are always available, while support for other floating-point types varies depending on the platform and on the installed optional dependencies.

By default, fp_type is always float - that is, operates by default in double precision.

LLVM kwargs#

These are keyword arguments influencing just-in-time (JIT) compilation via LLVM.

  • opt_level: an integer in the [0, 3] range, representing the optimisation level to be employed during JIT compilation. Lower optimisation levels result in slower code and faster compilation times, and viceversa, higher optimisation levels result in faster code and slower compilation time. The default value is 3.

  • slp_vectorize: a boolean flag indicating whether or not to enable the LLVM SLP vectorizer. The SLP vectorizer can improve performance in some situations, but it results in longer compilation times. The default value is False.

  • fast_math: a boolean flag indicating whether or not to enable optimisations which may improve floating-point performance at the expense of accuracy and/or strict conformance to the IEEE 754 standard. The default value is False.

  • code_model: an enumerator of type code_model representing the code model to be used for JIT compilation. The default code model is small.

    Added in version 6.0.0.

  • parjit: a boolean flag indicating that the JIT compilation process should be parallelised. This flag has an effect only when compact mode is enabled. The default value is False.

    Added in version 6.0.0.


    Due to several LLVM issues around parallel JIT compilation, the parjit flag is currently off by default on Unix platforms and completely disabled on Windows. Turning on parjit on Unix platforms is considered safe but can very rarely result in a runtime exception being thrown.

    We expect the parjit feature to become more stable in later LLVM releases, at which point it will be turned on by default.

cfunc kwargs#