Interoperability with SymPy#

Starting with version 0.10, symbolic expressions in can be converted to/from SymPy expressions. This feature can be very useful, as it unlocks the possibility of using the wide arsenal of SymPy algorithms on’s expressions. Possible use cases include:

  • the automatic simplification of’s expressions,

  • the application of symbolic algorithms not available in (e.g., symbolic integration),

  • LaTeX pretty-printing.

In this tutorial, we will show how SymPy interoperability can be used for expression simplification purposes, which ultimately leads to a measurable performance increase in the numerical integration of a system of ODEs.

For this example, we will consider the relativistic dynamics of Mercury’s orbit around the Sun, which, in the first post-Newtonian approximation, can be described by the following Hamiltonian:

\[ \mathcal{H}_\mathrm{1PN} \left(v_x, v_y, v_z, x, y, z \right) = \frac{1}{2}v^2-\frac{\mu}{r} + \varepsilon \left(\frac{\mu^2}{2r^2} -\frac{1}{8}v^4-\frac{3}{2}\frac{\mu v^2}{r} \right). \]

where \(\left(v_x, v_y, v_z, x, y, z \right)\) is Mercury’s Cartesian state vector with respect to the Sun, \(\varepsilon = 1/c^2\), \(v=\sqrt{v_x^2+v_y^2+v_z^2}\), \(r=\sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2}\) and \(\mu=GM_\odot\) is the gravitational parameter of the system. See the tutorial about Mercury’s relativistic precession for more details about this dynamical system.

Let us begin by defining the Hamiltonian as a symbolic expression in’s expression system:

import heyoka as hy

# Create the symbolic variables.
vx, vy, vz, x, y, z = hy.make_vars("v_x", "v_y", "v_z", "x", "y", "z")

# mu and eps constants.
mu = 0.01720209895 * 0.01720209895 * 365 * 365
eps = 2.5037803127808595e-10

# Auxiliary quantities.
v2 = vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz
r2 = x*x + y*y + z*z
r = hy.sqrt(r2)

# Initial conditions corresponding (roughly)
# to Mercury's current orbit.
ic = (-10.461611630114545,

# Define the Hamiltonian.
Ham = 1./2*v2 - mu/r + eps * (mu**2/(2*r2) - 1/8.*v2*v2 - 3./2.*mu*v2/r)

As usual, we are using Solar masses, astronomical units and years as units of measure.

Let us now convert the Hamiltonian to a SymPy expression via the to_sympy() function and pretty-print it to screen:

\[\displaystyle 0.5 v_{x}^{2} + 0.5 v_{y}^{2} + 0.5 v_{z}^{2} - 2.50378031278086 \cdot 10^{-10} \cdot \left(0.125 v_{x}^{2} + 0.125 v_{y}^{2} + 0.125 v_{z}^{2}\right) \left(v_{x}^{2} + v_{y}^{2} + v_{z}^{2}\right) - \frac{2.50378031278086 \cdot 10^{-10} \cdot \left(59.1343559232718 v_{x}^{2} + 59.1343559232718 v_{y}^{2} + 59.1343559232718 v_{z}^{2}\right)}{\left(x^{2} + y^{2} + z^{2}\right)^{0.5}} - \frac{39.4229039488479}{\left(x^{2} + y^{2} + z^{2}\right)^{0.5}} + \frac{3.89128862055816 \cdot 10^{-7}}{2 x^{2} + 2 y^{2} + 2 z^{2}}\]

The SymPy expression can be converted back to using the from_sympy() function:

((3.8912886205581639e-07 / ((2.0000000000000000 * x**2.0000000000000000) + (2.0000000000000000 * y**2.0000000000000000) + (2.0000000000000000 * z**2.0000000000000000))) + (0.50000000000000000 * v_x**2.0000000000000000) + (0.50000000000000000 * v_y**2.0000000000000000) + (0.50000000000000000 * v_z**2.0000000000000000) - (39.422903948847882 / (x**2.0000000000000000 + y**2.0000000000000000 + z**2.0000000000000000)**0.50000000000000000) - ((2.5037803127808595e-10 * ((59.134355923271826 * v_x**2.0000000000000000) + (59.134355923271826 * v_y**2.0000000000000000) + (59.134355923271826 * v_z**2.0000000000000000))) / (x**2.0000000000000000 + y**2.0000000000000000 + z**2.0000000000000000)**0.50000000000000000) - (2.5037803127808595e-10 * (v_x**2.0000000000000000 + v_y**2.0000000000000000 + v_z**2.0000000000000000) * ((0.12500000000000000 * v_x**2.0000000000000000) + (0.12500000000000000 * v_y**2.0000000000000000) + (0.12500000000000000 * v_z**2.0000000000000000))))

In order to formulate Hamilton’s equations for this system we need, as usual, to differentiate the Hamiltonian with respect to the state variables. Let us do it with’s diff() function:

# Formulate the equations of motion
# using's expression system.
ta = hy.taylor_adaptive(
    # Hamilton's equations.
    [(vx, -hy.diff(Ham, x)),
     (vy, -hy.diff(Ham, y)),
     (vz, -hy.diff(Ham, z)),
     (x, hy.diff(Ham, vx)),
     (y, hy.diff(Ham, vy)),
     (z, hy.diff(Ham, vz))],
    # Initial conditions.
)’s diff() function applies elementary calculus rules in order to differentiate a symbolic expression, performing only very basic simplifications in the process. We can get an estimate of the complexity of the resulting expressions by taking a look at the size of the Taylor decomposition for this dynamical system (this is the number of elementary subexpressions in which the equations of motion have been decomposed):

# NOTE: subtract 12 to avoid counting the 6 definitions of the state variables
# and the 6 definitions of their differential equations.
len(ta.decomposition) - 12

Let us now try to simplify Hamilton’s equations of motion using SymPy. We first define a small wrapper to invoke SymPy’s simplify() function on a expression:

import sympy

def simplify(ex):
    return hy.from_sympy(sympy.simplify(hy.to_sympy(ex)))

Then, we create a new integrator with the simplified equations of motion:

ta_spy = hy.taylor_adaptive(
    # Hamilton's equations.
    [(vx, simplify(-hy.diff(Ham, x))),
     (vy, simplify(-hy.diff(Ham, y))),
     (vz, simplify(-hy.diff(Ham, z))),
     (x, simplify(hy.diff(Ham, vx))),
     (y, simplify(hy.diff(Ham, vy))),
     (z, simplify(hy.diff(Ham, vz)))],
    # Initial conditions.

Let us take a look at the size of the Taylor decomposition for the new integrator:

len(ta_spy.decomposition) - 12

In other words, thanks to SymPy’s expression simplification capabilities, we reduced by \(\sim 30\%\) the symbolic complexity (i.e., the number of elementary subexpressions) of our ODE system.

What is the performance impact of these simplifications? Let us find out:

time ta_spy.propagate_until(10000.)
CPU times: user 2.33 s, sys: 0 ns, total: 2.33 s
Wall time: 2.33 s
(<taylor_outcome.time_limit: -4294967299>,
time ta.propagate_until(10000.)
CPU times: user 2.38 s, sys: 0 ns, total: 2.38 s
Wall time: 2.38 s
(<taylor_outcome.time_limit: -4294967299>,

The performance increase is measurable but not as large as the reduction in symbolic complexity.

As a word of warning, users should be aware that the general-purpose simplify() function from SymPy can be quite expensive from a computational point of view, especially for large expressions. SymPy provides various specialised simplification primitives that can be considerably more efficient.

More details on the conversion process#

When converting a expression to SymPy, the following conventions are adopted:

  • variables are converted to SymPy Symbols,

  • constants are converted to SymPy numbers,

  • runtime parameters are converted to SymPy Symbols conventionally called "par[n]", where n is the parameter index,

  • functions are mapped to the corresponding SymPy functions.

Similarly, when converting a SymPy expression to, the following conventions are adopted:

  • SymPy Symbols are converted to variables, unless the name of the symbol is "par[n]", in which case the Symbol is converted to a runtime parameter,

  • SymPy numbers are converted to constants, if the conversion is lossless (otherwise an error is raised),

  • SymPy functions are mapped to functions.

When converting a SymPy expression to, it is possible to customise the conversion process by passing a substitution dictionary to the from_sympy() function. Here’s an example:

# Create a few SymPy symbols.
x, y, z = sympy.symbols("x y z")

# Convert the expression x*(y+z) to,
# but provide a custom substitution rule for
# the subexpression y+z.
hy.from_sympy(x * (y+z), {y+z: hy.expression("t")})
(t * x)

Note that the same effect could be achieved by doing the substitution in SymPy before the conversion to However, for large expressions, using the custom substitution dictionary in the from_sympy() function will perform better.

Handling rational numbers# is very conservative when converting from SymPy expressions containing rational numbers. In particular, if a rational number cannot be converted exactly to a floating-point value, will raise an error. In order to avoid this, you can use the sympy.N function to forcibly convert all rational numbers to floating-point values:

hy.from_sympy(sympy.N(x / 3))
(0.33333333333333331 * x)